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The Incubus System Chapter 778. Reporter Instinct 

"Ah!" Elenna yelped in shock due to my sudden greeting as she looked back. She touched her chest to steady herself. “You really go and show up like a ghost,” she complained.

"That doesn't answer my question," I stated with a frown of displeasure.

“Uh… I just wanted to chat with you for a bit,” she tried to negotiate.

As I observed Elenna, I couldn't help but wonder what had driven her to such lengths to get my attention. It seemed like she was determined to get some answers from me, but I had to be cautious with my words.

Sensing my hesitation, Elenna mustered a hopeful smile. "Come on, Ethan. I promise I won't write anything without your consent. I just want to understand the truth," she said earnestly.

"About what?" I asked again in curiosity.

“Demons,” she stated.

My frown worsened. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my frustration in check. "I thought you had given up on demon things. You just said it yourself,” I complained. It hadn't even been a week since I last tried to dissuade her from this dangerous pursuit. But now she simply denied her own words.

“I did. But something is pulling me back,” she admitted sheepishly.

Elenna's obsession with demons was both perplexing and worrying.

"What?" I asked in disbelief, my heart pounding with anticipation. "Please don't say it's because of me. Also, I'm not a demon hunter,” I hoped, trying to pre-empt any accusations she might throw my way.

Elenna shook her head, her expression grave. "No, it's not about you, Ethan," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of anxiety and urgency. "It's because of this video."

She took out her phone and showed me the video she had discovered. I watched the video from start to finish, my eyes locked on the screen as each moment unfolded before me.

"So?" I flicked my eyes at her with a frown. “I barely see anything there,” I stated, feeling a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Elenna had a way of stumbling upon peculiar leads, but this time, her claims seemed too far-fetched. Well, I was guessing it was a video about my hunt a few days ago.

"See this?" she pointed at a paused frame on her phone's screen. I leaned in to get a closer look, trying to discern what she was referring to. The video was grainy and dark, making it challenging to make out any distinct details.

“I believe it is the great demon's shadow or maybe his subordinate,” she explained, her voice hushed as if we were discussing classified information.

I raised an eyebrow, turning my gaze back to the screen. All I could see were a few indistinct shapes, which could easily be explained away as mere coincidences.

"That's a weird conclusion considering there's nothing there," I denied it, trying not to sound dismissive.

Elenna sighed, clearly frustrated that I wasn't immediately on board with her interpretation. "I know it's not clear, but I've been researching and comparing other sightings of the great demon.”

I raised one of my eyebrows, my skepticism was evident in my expression. “Right. So you're back to your demon obsession, just like before,” I guessed, trying to make sense of Elenna's sudden fascination with the supernatural world once again.

She shook her head, a hint of exasperation in her eyes. "No. This time I'm not obsessed. I just wanted to know. I mean… I approach you in a normal manner," she defended herself, her tone more composed than I had anticipated.

Her response surprised me, as I had grown accustomed to Elenna's relentless pursuit of sensational stories and her insatiable curiosity for all demon things. She had a knack for uncovering hidden truths and had an uncanny ability to sniff out the most peculiar of mysteries.

‘True…’ I admitted silently. At least she was not as crazy as she used to be. Her obsession with demons and dark forces had led her into some dangerous predicaments in the past. But as I contemplated the change in her demeanor, I couldn't shake the feeling that something else was going on beneath the surface. I had learned the hard way not to underestimate Elenna's determination and intuition, but who knew she was recording our conversation? I couldn't afford to let my guard down.

"Approaching me in a normal manner doesn't mean you have my consent. Just… leave me alone," I asked tiredly, feeling the weight of Elenna's persistence pressing down on me. As much as I appreciated her attempts to be less intrusive, I still craved my privacy.

"I will. I will," she tried to convince me, her voice earnest. "Just give me an opinion for this video. Do you know anything about this?" she asked me again, her eyes pleading for my insight.

"No, I don't know anything. You are asking the wrong person," I replied, feeling a pang of frustration. "Why don't you ask security or something? Why do you think I'm the one who will fulfill your curiosity and have all the answers to your questions?" I questioned, trying to make sense of why she always turned to me for such matters. This really confused me.

"Uh… I know it's weird. But no matter how I try to stay away, my reporter's instinct always leads me to you," she admitted in a reassuring tone as if that should explain everything.

"So, it's just based on instinct?" I confirmed, my curiosity piqued by Elenna's explanation of her investigative approach.

"Well, us reporters always trust our instincts," she said with a shrug, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her response. Trusting one's instincts was a common trait among journalists, but it could be a double-edged sword. While intuition could lead to groundbreaking discoveries, it could also lure one into treacherous situations.

"Then your instinct is wrong," I reminded her, trying to steer her away from any reckless pursuits. I had learned the hard way that unfounded curiosity and hasty assumptions could have dire consequences.


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