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The Incubus System Chapter 776. Evening Guest

The car glided down the street, the gentle hum of the engine providing soothing background noise. The city lights danced outside the windows, creating a mesmerizing display of colors and movement. Inside the car, we sat comfortably, the tension from earlier conversations now replaced with a sense of ease and camaraderie.

As the night air breezed through the open windows, we found ourselves chatting and laughing once again. We decided to steer the conversation toward lighter topics. We were still chatting and laughing inside the car when a message from Foxy disrupted the moment of lightheartedness. Her telepathic voice echoed in my mind, alerting me to a potential threat.

'Master, there is someone watching in front of the house,' she conveyed with urgency.

I instantly became alert, my laughter subsiding, and my focus shifting to the window as if casually observing the street outside.

‘Do you know who?’ I replied. The spies were gone so I was not sure it was one of them. I was also not sure it was one of the demon hunters since Mrs. Clea should have ordered them not to touch me again, except for Nathan of course. And Ruby was no way either since we recently split up. Unless she had a portal skill like mine.

'I haven't checked yet,' replied Foxy.

‘Check who he is and report to me,’ I ordered Foxy through our telepathic connection.

‘Okay,’ she replied before cutting our connection.

Celia and Tiffany looked at me with concern. "What happened, Ethan? Why are you suddenly silent?" Tiffany asked, her worry evident in her voice.

I turned to her and flashed a reassuring smile. "Nah, I'm good," I replied, not wanting to worry them unnecessarily.

"Did something happen?" Celia's voice broke the tranquility inside the car as she peeked from behind Tiffany's body, her curiosity getting the best of her.

I glanced at Celia, trying to hide any hint of concern that might linger on my face. "Not really," I replied casually, not wanting to worry them unnecessarily. "It's just that something popped into my head," I added, attempting to steer the conversation away from the telepathic communication I had with Foxy.

"What is it?" Tiffany chimed in, her eyes bright with curiosity.

I smiled, grateful for her curiosity and worry. "Well, since it's almost dinner time, I’m thinking maybe we could cook dinner together," I suggested. "Or if you prefer, we could order delivery."

Celia's eyes lit up at the mention of cooking together. She loved experimenting with new recipes and was always up for a culinary adventure. On the other hand, Tiffany looked excited about it.

"Oh!" Tiffany shot up in excitement, her eyes bright with enthusiasm. "That's a good idea. I've never cooked together with anyone before," she said, her voice filled with excitement.

The idea of cooking together seemed to energize them. It was an opportunity to not only bond over a shared activity but also to create something delicious and memorable.

"But there are only simple groceries in the fridge. Is that okay?" Celia asked, her worry evident in her voice.

"We can cook something with that, right?" I said optimistically, trying to reassure Celia.

Celia's expression softened as she considered the possibilities. Her culinary skills were impressive, and I had no doubt that she could turn the simplest ingredients into a mouthwatering meal.

"Yes, we can definitely make something delicious out of what we have," Celia replied with determination, a spark of creativity in her eyes.

“Then it should be no problem,” I stated.

Foxy's voice once again echoed in my mind, pulling my attention away from the present moment. ‘Master, it's the slime girl. That reporter,’ she conveyed with clarity.

‘You mean Elenna?’ I double-checked, feeling a hint of surprise at the unexpected mention of the persistent journalist.

‘Yes, her,’ Foxy confirmed, her telepathic voice holding a hint of intrigue.

‘What is she doing?’ I asked in curiosity.

Foxy's telepathic voice responded with clarity, providing insight into Elenna's actions. ‘She didn't do anything. Looks like she's waiting for you to come back. She is at the entrance now,’ Foxy explained.

I was not interested in meeting her. The mere thought of seeing her again stirred a mix of emotions within me—confusion and a hint of curiosity. After all, she had made it clear that she wasn't interested in me anymore, so why would she want to meet now? It was perplexing, to say the least, and it made me wonder if she knew something I didn't.

‘Foxy, can you get rid of her for me?’ I requested. ‘Just turn yourself into me and lure her away. I'll be back in a bit,’ I added, hoping that Foxy could execute this task without a hitch.

‘Okay,’ she replied telepathically, her thoughts interweaving seamlessly with mine.

Once again the connection was cut off.

Inside the car, Celia and Tiffany were absorbed in their own world, their phones in hand as they scrolled through various recipe websites, searching for ideas on what they would cook for dinner later. Their excitement was palpable, and their laughter filled the air, adding a sense of lightness to the atmosphere.

"Celia, do you think we should make that pasta dish?" Tiffany asked, her eyes still glued to her phone screen.

Celia glanced up, considering the suggestion. "Hmm, that sounds good, but I was thinking of trying something new, like a homemade pizza perhaps?"

"Ooh, that sounds delicious! We could make different toppings for each slice," Tiffany exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"How about something simpler?" I chimed in. “And don’t forget the dessert.”

Celia and Tiffany both nodded in agreement, already imagining the delectable treats that would await us after dinner.

I decided to look out the window and enjoy the view. The street lights flickered to life, casting a warm glow on the quiet neighborhood as our car glided smoothly toward the front of the house. The soft hum of the engine provided a comforting background noise, soothing the tension that had settled in my shoulders.

We were getting nearer. I couldn't help but steal a quick glance at the entrance to make sure Elenna wasn't lurking nearby. To my relief, the area was empty, and I let out a silent breath.


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