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The Incubus System Chapter 775. Enjoy Your Peacetime

I glanced at Celia and Tiffany, both wearing expressions of concern. "Do you think we should go after her?" Celia asked hesitantly.

"I don't know," I replied honestly. "Maybe she just needs some space. We'll check in on her later."

With that, we drove off, leaving Ruby behind. The car ride home was filled with a mix of exhaustion and contentment. I was grateful for the day we had spent together, but a part of me couldn't shake off the unease I felt about Ruby's sudden departure.

Celia's sudden question jolted me out of my thoughts, and I turned to face her. "Do you think Ruby is mad at you?" she asked, her curiosity evident in her eyes.

I gave her a half-hearted shrug, trying to hide the mixed emotions swirling within me. "I think so. I mean, I did say some pretty harsh things," I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "But at the same time, I don't know if I should be happy or sad about it."

If she left me and didn't bother me anymore because of this, I simply didn't need to bring her into my harem. That would make my job easier.

"Well, it's better like this," Tiffany said, her tone tinged with a mix of relief and resignation. She turned to me, her eyes holding a hint of knowing. "Believe me, you won't want to deal with her for too long," she advised, her words weighted with caution.

Celia couldn't help but inquire further. "Is her reputation that bad?" she asked, her forehead creased with genuine curiosity.

Tiffany sighed, her eyes darting away for a moment before meeting Celia's gaze once more. “That bad,” she confessed, glancing at me. I could catch the guilt on her face.

"And what does this have to do with Larry?" I asked, my curiosity piqued by Tiffany's hesitance. It seemed like there was more to the story than she was letting on. Perhaps she knew how badly Ruby had interrogated Larry or, even worse, maybe Ruby had also tried to interrogate her.

Tiffany nodded slowly, her expression somber. "Yeah," she admitted reluctantly. "I guess she was just desperate to find any information she could about your whereabouts. She even tried to use some questionable tactics."

I let out a sigh, feeling a mix of frustration and sympathy for both Ruby and Larry. It wasn't easy being caught in the crossfire of Ruby's intense loyalty and protective nature. I knew she meant well, but sometimes her actions could have unintended consequences.

"Well, I hope everything has settled now," I said with a huff, shaking my head from side to side.

Celia and Tiffany exchanged knowing glances before speaking in unison, "That's impossible."

"Why?" I asked with a frown, hoping they could shed some light on the situation.

Tiffany sighed, her expression grave. "She's mad, Ethan," she explained, her voice tinged with frustration. "But that doesn't mean she'll stop her obsession over you."

Celia nodded in agreement. "Yeah, this is only temporary. She's bound to come around eventually," she reassured me.

Tiffany patted my shoulder, offering me a comforting smile. "You should enjoy your peacetime while it lasts," she advised

I let out another sigh, feeling exasperated by my sisters' antics. "Why do you guys make me sound pathetic?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mix of annoyance and amusement. It seemed like they couldn't resist teasing me whenever they had the chance.

"It is," Tiffany replied with a sympathetic smile, causing me to groan playfully.

Meanwhile, Celia moved her lips without making a sound, mouthing the words "You should take her as your harem. She gave us too many headaches."

I gave Celia a flat stare, raising one of my eyebrows in disbelief as if I were saying, "You want your beloved brother to sleep with a mad girl?"

Celia answered with a slow nod.

I was about to reply to Celia, but Tiffany decided to change the subject.

"Anyway, I'm so happy today," Tiffany began, her voice tinged with emotion. "This is my first time enjoying myself like this. And…" She paused, her eyes welling up with tears as she reached out and hugged both Celia and me tightly. "This is the first time I feel like I have siblings," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Celia's eyes glistened with tears as well, and she pulled Tiffany into the hug even tighter. "We're your family, Tiff. Always have been, always will be," she said, her voice filled with love and affection.

“We should do this another time,” I replied.

"I agree. So when?" Tiffany's eyes sparkled with excitement, her enthusiasm contagious. She was always the one to jump headfirst into action.

I smiled at her eagerness, appreciating her unwavering support. "After our mom's trial maybe? You know, after everything is done," I suggested. It made sense to wait until the trial was over before diving into another adventure. Our mother's trial was a significant event in our lives, and we needed to see it through to the end.

Celia voiced her concern, "What if the trial ends badly?" Her skepticism was justified. Our mother's trial was a high-stakes affair, and the outcome was uncertain.

"The evidence already points to her. I think she will find it difficult to avoid as long as we don't withdraw our demands," Tiffany chimed in optimistically. She had a point; the evidence against our stepfather and mom was substantial, and it seemed unlikely that they would escape the consequences of their actions.

"And don't forget the bank. She fucked around a big bank. They shouldn't hesitate to punish him for showing no one who can fuck around with them," I added with a smirk. I believed they would not take kindly to being messed with. After all, I had all the support which was more than enough for that.

"I agree," Tiffany chirped, nodding in agreement. She was always quick to support any plan that involved seeking justice for her dead mom.


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