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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 231. Resurrection IV

Angel took out the golden sword from his belt and stuck it in front of him, its hilt glinting in the dimly lit hall. The atmosphere in the room was tense, with everyone holding their breath, not quite comprehending what was unfolding before them. Rose, her eyes fixed on the sword with a mixture of awe and wonder.

"King Gervis, last week I found this when attacked by rebels at the border. I believe this is one of the Reinheart Family's most valuable possessions, so I want to return it," Angel's voice was calm and composed, but there was a hint of sadness and determination in his eyes.

King Gervis looked surprised, almost in disbelief at what he saw. "Guardian's Sword? How come you have it? How come... you can carry it...?" His voice wavered as he struggled to make sense of the revelation before him.

Angel's lips curved into a bitter smile. "What are you so surprised about? Of course, I can carry it... because I'm Reinheart's descendant," he declared, his voice unwavering.

The room fell into an eerie silence as everyone processed the magnitude of Angel's claim.

"No way... That's impossible... there's no way you could carry that sword..." Ilex's voice wavered as he stared at Angel in disbelief. His heart pounded in his chest, and he felt a rush of fear and uncertainty like never before. How could this be happening? How could Angel hold the Guardian's Sword?

King Gervis turned towards his son with an angry expression, his eyes ablaze with fury. "ILEX! IS THIS YOUR DOING ?!" he thundered, his voice echoing through the hall. He quickly realized it was Ilex who took the sword from the magic room.

The realization dawned on Ilex that he had been played, manipulated like a pawn in a grand scheme that he had never fathomed. He had believed he had finally succeeded in ridding himself of Angel and the threat he posed to the Asterian throne, only to find that his actions had unwittingly unleashed an even greater danger.

"I... I... I just borrowed it... I... didn't expect it... No... It can't be... I don't believe it! That sword must be a fake !!!" Ilex's words stumbled out of his mouth as he desperately tried to deny the truth before him. He clung to the hope that this was all some elaborate trick, a mirage designed to deceive him.

Angel sighed, his eyes reflecting a deep well of emotions. "It's fine if you don't believe me. I understand," he said with a hint of resignation in his voice. "My entire life has been shrouded in mystery. I never knew my mother and her identity remained a closely guarded secret. All I knew was that I was different, that I didn't belong among the common folk."

As he spoke, memories of his childhood flashed before him – the curious glances and whispers that followed him wherever he went, the loneliness that seemed to be his constant companion. He had always felt like an outsider, an enigma whose origins were shrouded in darkness.

"My mother died outside the castle after giving birth to me," Angel continued, his voice tinged with sorrow. "And after my father's death, my hair color changed for no reason. Nobody could explain it, and the castle staff merely whispered about it in hushed tones."

Angel's hair, once a deep shade of blonde, had transformed into an ethereal deep blue. It was a visible reminder of his uniqueness, and he had grown accustomed to the curious gazes and superstitious whispers that followed him wherever he went.

"Nobody can prove that I'm Reinheart's descendant," he admitted with a touch of bitterness. "And I understand why you always doubt me. You never gave me a chance to prove it either."

For years, Angel had endured the burden of suspicion, always viewed with skepticism and doubt by those around him. Despite his unwavering loyalty and dedication to Asteria, he had never been fully accepted as one of their own.

Now, faced with the revelation of his true heritage, Angel found himself torn between a desire to prove his worth and a sense of resignation. He had spent so long fighting for acceptance and validation, and yet, the truth remained elusive.

King Gervis turned his gaze to Angel, his expression softened with a hint of regret. "If you don't do this to prove you're Reinheart's descendant, then what exactly is your purpose?" he asked, genuinely curious.


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