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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 285. The Dragon King's Return V

Marissa's shock was palpable as she processed my admission. Her eyes widened, and her hand instinctively covered her mouth in disbelief. "Does that mean you killed the king of the orc tribe?" she asked, her voice tinged with both surprise and concern.

I nodded somberly, my gaze meeting Marissa's. "Yes, I had no other choice," I replied, my voice filled with a mix of regret and resolution. "It wasn't something I wanted to do, but he left me with no other options."

Marissa seemed taken aback by the revelation, her mind likely struggling to reconcile the image of me as the benevolent dragon king with the reality of a difficult decision I had to make in the face of war. It was true; many might have assumed that my bringing Glasha back as my wife indicated a peaceful resolution between our realms. But the truth was far more complex.

"Sometimes, in times of war, difficult decisions have to be made to protect our people," Evelina interjected, her voice gentle but firm. "The orc king's refusal to accept peace left us with no choice."

“I see…” Marissa nodded, her expression thoughtful as she absorbed the information. It was clear that with my confession, she had come to understand Glasha's true position and the circumstances surrounding our union. The truth was out in the open, and there was no denying that my decision to take Glasha as my wife was not driven by love but rather by the necessity of securing peace between our tribes.

"Well, just treat Glasha well. And I hope you guys will get along well," I said, attempting to steer the conversation toward a more positive note. It was essential for everyone to find common ground and form a bond, especially considering the delicate situation.

Glasha looked up, meeting my gaze with uncertainty. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice revealing the vulnerability she felt in this unfamiliar setting. "I will do my best.”

Jyne couldn't resist inquiring about the situation with the Minotaurs. "What about the Minotaur tribe, Your Majesty?" she asked, her eyes shining with interest. "Are you going to do the same as the orcs?"

I considered the question for a moment before responding. "I hope not," I said honestly, my mind drifting to the delicate situation with the Minotaur tribe. "General Dravis, or Prince Dravis now, doesn't seem as stubborn as the previous Minotaur king. He was among those who opposed the war, which gives me hope for a more amicable resolution."

Marissa picked up where Jyne left off, her tone now laced with concern. "So does that mean you only have to make an agreement with him?" she asked, her brow furrowing with worry.

I nodded, taking another bite of food before responding. "Yes, that's the plan," I replied, savoring the flavor of the well-cooked meat. "I hope that Prince Dravis will be open to the idea of peace and willing to negotiate terms."

Evelina chimed in, her eyes filled with optimism. "It's essential to approach the situation with diplomacy and an open mind," she said. "We need to find a way and work towards a resolution that benefits both our tribes."

Sela's worry was palpable as she raised a valid concern. "A meeting between two kings after the war wasn't very risky?" she muttered, her brow furrowed with apprehension.

Jyne nodded in agreement, adding to Sela's worries. "What if he tries to set you up?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine concern. It was clear that they were both anxious about the potential dangers of this meeting with Prince Dravis.

I took a moment to consider their fears before responding, trying my best to quell their anxieties. "I understand your concerns," I said, trying to reassure them. "But I never intended to meet him in his palace. We will meet at the border and settle everything there." And of course, I would bring my troops. So in case he wanted a war, then I wouldn't hesitate to do it.

Marissa's expression remained somber as she responded to my reassurances. "I hope that won't happen," she muttered sadly, clearly burdened by the weight of potential conflict.

I reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, trying to alleviate her worries. "No one wants war in the first place," I said, my voice filled with sincerity. "But unfortunately, some tribes don't know when to stop. They fail to understand the concept of respecting others' boundaries, especially when it comes to a tribe that holds a higher status."

Jyne nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination. "That's true," she said, her voice firm. "Sometimes, it takes a show of strength to make them understand that we won't tolerate any aggression."

Evelina chimed in with a thoughtful expression. "But it's also essential to find ways to communicate and bridge the gap," she said, her voice measured but resolute. "We need to seek understanding and find common ground if we want to avoid further conflicts."

I leaned back in my chair, taking a moment to reflect on the complexities of our realm's politics. "It's a delicate balance," I admitted, my voice tinged with weariness.

"But Greed is the source of all trouble," Marissa said, her voice filled with conviction as she shook her head from side to side. Her eyes were wide with concern, and it was evident that it reminded her of what the Nymph Queen had done to her family.

I leaned forward, listening intently to Marissa's perspective. "You have a point," I acknowledged, my voice calm. "Greed and ambition have driven many leaders to make reckless decisions that harm their people and lead to wars."

Glasha, who had been observing the conversation quietly, suddenly spoke up with a thoughtful expression. "But that was the leader's fault," she said, her tone measured but firm. "Most of their people also don't want the war. While the warrior sometimes has no choice but to defend their tribe's pride."


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