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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 120" on Streamable.



FYI Obito was mentioned in the OG series, when Kakashi visited the shrine before the 3rd hokages funeral. But that feels like forever ago so Its easily Missed. ,😊

Vaidas Šukauskas

Kinda like Naruto... So sad :/ So many great details in this. Kakashi, the cold warrior, who has no place for useless things, carrying a memento from his father. His sharingan eye, still crying, because Obito cried so much Just like his sensei, he killed that enemy before the shard of his sword fell to the ground. His jutsu is a result of teamwork, his body, Rin's medical jutsu, Obito's rinnegan, all leading to his chidori without a weakness. Rin being a medical ninja, means Tsunade started implementing her vision. All the gifts coming in clutch, a marked kunai, medicine box and finally a sharingan. And this basically formed the kakashi we know and love. His focus on teamwork, his reason for always being late, backstory for scar and sharingan, even his quote about scum who abandon friends... And Leaf must have been pretty desperate to send kids to the front lines...


Recall what Kakashi said to Sasuke when he lectured him about revenge (beginning of Sasuke Retrieval Arc). Everyone important to him is already dead. I guess that's one of the few benefits of watching it right after OG Naruto, since it is easy to forget a lot of the details in such a packed show. Edit: I actually can't believe that I had to cry twice within a single episode. RIP Obito :(


This backstory makes me cry every time I watch it. I can't help but tear up. Obito was so good and pure and even after their fight he still gave his life for Kakashi and Rin. So heartbreaking. It really shows you the difference in the world that Kakashi grew up in vs the world Narutos growing up in too. There's still needless death and war but it isnt like Kakashis childhood. Such an amazing mini arc

Vaidas Šukauskas

Yeah, for those who didn't binge it all at once, many of those little details could have slipped from memory.


For sure. They went from one hell into another during that mission. No moment where they could let their guard down.


*sharingan. Edit pls :) It's a little early for rinnegan


Fun fact: The narrator in this mini arc was Third Hokage. He's also the narrator of a few other similar mini arc backstories throughout Shippuden. In general, no anime does backstories better than Shippuden IMO. They seem to always know the absolute perfect amount of information to share in recurring timeline and absolutely nail every backstory.


During the 3rds funeral Kakashi is late and an ambu member comments on how he was visiting Obito's grave. And its implied that everytime he is late with Naruto and Sakura and Sasuke he was visiting Obito's memorial stone. Also, when Kakashi is late he gives the same excuses that Obito used to make. Obito was actually helping people and not just making up excuses. It's possible that another part of Kakashi's tardiness is that he has adopted the same practice of stopping and helping old ladies and such like Obito. Fun fact: Obito's death was already foreshadowed in the original Naruto. Back then Sasuke claimed, that Kakashi wouldn't understand what it feels, when all your loved ones die. Kakashi then mentioned that he himself already lost all those people ( and he also mentioned that countless of his friends are engraved on the memorial, which is also shown in the end of this episode )


Yeah some of these things are just things we see in other flashbacks later on (the reason why you know all of this) so you don't HAVE to tell him now 😅. And yeah I think it was more than just losing Obito, he also lost his dad, his sensei and a few others. It really was a sad upbringing he had.