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If you follow our recent Status Update, and the webnovel "The Ancestor of our Sect Isn't Acting like an Elder," then you probably already know that Re:Library had planned to take up that as our 3rd project. But what WE ALL didn't know was that, another translator was already working on this project. When I made an announcement on Re:Library about picking up this project, that other translator just released 5 chapters like hot cakes in a panic.

Which in turn, caused me to panic and released chapter 7 ahead of time. I tried getting in touch with the translator and suggest a collaboration, but he refused me, now I'm just scratching my head over what to do.

I was supposed to get home and translate Dragon Princess today, but this little fiasco has delayed my original plans. Attached in this post is our email discussion. (Read from bottom to up)

Update: Hey, you know what? It just hit upon me. Since I am in the middle of considering whether or not I should change the current Demon Sword Maiden translator, don't you think that this is god's will? We just got a new translator, and his project got hijacked, it's a good chance to make him into a backup translator for Demon Sword Maiden while we wait for the current translator's respond (on whether he will keep up or drop out after this month).




Ach, that's unfortunate but the precedent pol got others interesting novels, maybe you could start one of them? Or just continue the ones we already have?


Well, this is a Chinese Translator, and that poll was for Japanese novel, so I'll have to find a new project for him to do. But at least for now, we'll just continue at our own pace and see what that other translator do. If he's going to continue picking a fight with us, then I suppose I'll have no choice but to find a different project.


I hope it works out for you but hey if he decides to translate by himself you get to choose another gender bender series so it's still good I think as long as he is decent at translating


There are the ones I want to read but they are a bit to incoherent to read for me


Right, that sounds like a plan, we have nothing to lose anyway, as true fans of gender bender, what more could we ask but more novels to read. Fighting over translation rights over a novel that we do not officially own is childish, and conceited on top of it.