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One image says a thousand words. I left this comment before recruiting Musubii and I didn't expect it'd come bite back at me. It was at 3AM last night (don't ask me why I'm still awake, I am a night owl), I was lying on my bed and was about to call it a day, then my phone rang.

I checked my phone and to my surprise, the translator of this series, "The Ancestor of our Sect Isn’t Acting like an Elder," suddenly sent me an email:

And now we're in the middle of a discussion, I don't know how it'll go yet, but if he did accept my offer, then that would mean... we'll have yet another Gender Bender project in our undertaking.

Which is why... I'll be switching my plan a little. For now, all the funding towards Dragon Princess will go towards funding The Ancestor of our Sect. Which means, when we reached the 5th goal, instead of hiring a new translator for Dragon Princess, I will be the one continuing Dragon Princess while the new translator works on the "3rd Chinese Gender Bender" project.

This is the really rough plan I have come up with at the last minute so please bear with me for now. The God sure likes to throw me into unexpected situations, but then again, this is all my own undoing so I'm getting what I deserved? >w<



Dang... You have it rough but I am sure you will make it through after all you have all of us.


Haha... glad to know you guys would be there to push my back when I'm up against a wall


This guy sure is taking a while to consider the options though. It is quite surprising, really. I thought for sure he would jump on option 2 immediately since he's guaranteed a fixed pay. but he's actually considering the pros and cons between the two options.