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Chapter 24 - My Intelligent Teacher (Part 2)


It felt like time had stopped, the surroundings turned eerily quiet as all the dragons looked at me with eyes of pity.

Sensing the reaction around me, I looked all over the place in a panic. Full of uncertainties, I asked with a slightly shaky voice, “D- don’t tell me… being unable to recognize the dragon language is a bigger flaw than being unable to transform? Am I… no longer qualified to be the princess…?”

The atmosphere froze for a few seconds. Then, like a paused TV show that had just been played, the dragons roared like it was the end of the world.

“T- that’s… so pitiful… Not only is the princess unable to transform into dragon, but she also cannot understand dragon language at birth…”

“I know right!”

“Just what did our princess do to deserve this kind of treatment? Just look at her, she’s such a cute little thing…”

“Could it be that the Heavens are jealous of the princess’ cuteness and put her through this tribulation on purpose? Gods above Heaven! Why must the princess experience all these misfortune?!”

Is being unable to understand dragon language really that bad compared to dragon transformation? There… should be a solution to this right? If there isn’t, then doesn’t that mean the great ancestor’s blood essence is wasted on me? Will my counterattack plan come to a premature end before even carrying it out?

When I thought of it like that, even I felt myself a little pitiful.

“It’s so pitiful that the princess has to relearn the dragon language from scratch. Just imagine the difficulty in learning the language.”

Eh? Something feels a little off?

“That’s right… I needed two hundred years to learn how to roast meat. Doesn’t that mean the princess needs at least twenty thousand years to relearn dragon language? Oof… the princess’s youth would be wasted on this alone.”

Twenty thousand years, the dragons sure have a long adolescence period… Pooh! Now’s not the time to make a retort. After understanding what the dragons were saying, I have come to realize that...

You guys felt that I am pitiful, not because being unable to understand dragon language is a flaw, but that I have to relearn it from scratch?!

What's with that? You guys used cheat sheets for those tests so you wouldn't have to retake them and now you're pitying me for not cheating and flunking all of them? Did you guys know your great ancestor was a top student who obtained a doctoral degree in just a few years? Did you guys not inherit a shred of those genes? Did the entire race get a mutation of some sort?

Mother suddenly placed her hands on my shoulders and said with the most reassuring tone, “Do not worry, I will definitely invite the greatest teacher for you. I guarantee to shorten the study period to less than ten thousand years. Then you won’t have to suffer for that long.”

Why are you also like this, mother? Could it be that you have personally experienced the difficulties of studying and suffered greatly in this field?

Oi oi, stop looking so serious y’all! Don’t put on a face as though you are about to face your greatest enemy! Your obvious reaction would only announce to the whole world the uneducated nature of our entire race!

Besides, how can you guys be so sure that I am a stupid ⓑⓔⓔⓟ--- like you all who needed two hundred years to learn how to roast meat? Don’t joke with me! I am going to use my own ability to prove to myself that I am not as brainless as the lot of you. I will only use two to three years to learn all there is to know about dragon language and use my position as a top student to laugh at all of you.

“Who can teach my dear daughter?” Mother turned towards the other dragons and asked.

After a moment of silence, the dragons became noisy again.

“W- who indeed?”

“I don’t know, how are we supposed to teach?”

“I have no idea. Eh? Didn’t you study at a human nation before, why don’t you give it a try?”

“Idiot! Being a student and a teacher are two different things. Besides, I only became a student to woo the teacher, I never once took my lessons in earnest.”

“All of you be quiet!”

As the prime minister, Akarin took a step forward. With his long years of accumulated prestige, the noisy crowd quietened down in an instant. It was a given as he had been in this seat for a really long time. If you ignored his loyal dog attitude, he actually looked quite reliable. After giving all the dragons a glance, he said:

“We must first find a teacher for the princess, is there any among you who have learned how to teach?”

“……” All the dragons turned silent.

“None? Then is there anyone with plenty of experience in children’s education?”

“......” They all remained as silent as before.

Akarin turned his head sideways and asked a black dragon, “Aoken, didn’t you always brag about how you managed to discipline your child? How about you…”

Upon closer inspection, I realized that Aoken was the same fella that lit me up with the spotlight during the birth festival. Apparently, he was shocked at Akarin’s sudden mention of him. His big head shook so quickly that it left behind afterimages and said, “No way! I normally hit my child with a ten meters club when he’s disobedient, if I do that to the princess… I...”

“If you dare to hit my daughter, I will stick that ten meters club into your ⓑⓔⓔⓟ,” mother cut him off with a smile.

Aoken was so frightened he prompted pulled back his neck and said mockingly, “Don’t worry my queen, I am not a teacher material, that club of mine will stay one kilometer away from the princess”.

“Is there really no dragons that know how to teach?” Akarin asked again with a frown. All he received as an answer was silence.

Mother gave off a chilly aura and asked impatiently, “You guys have lived for so long, and yet none of you have learned anything related to teaching? Did you spend your ten thousand years of lifespan living like a dog?”

“My queen, I learned how to cook tender meat with a crispy exterior.”

“What I learned is how to become a great poet.”

“My profession is a musician.”

“And I am…”

Numerous dragons began to reveal what they learned over the past years, but none of them had a profession related to teaching.

At this time, the sculptor appeared out of nowhere to add fuel to the fire, “I remember Akarin used to teach some whelps the human language before he becomes the prince minister. He should have some experience in that field.”

“You old fool!” Akarin pointed at the sculptor in a fit of rage, “You just wait.”

“Hm?” Mother narrowed her eyes to stare at Akarin. Her entire body was giving off a dangerous aura.

“Ah~ just let me explain, my queen. That was a really long time ago. I have already long forgotten how to teach.”

Mother’s glare became increasingly dangerous...

Akarin used his claws to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, but more sweats formed as a result. Even from this distance, I could see the washbowl-sized sweats on his scaly forehead clearly.

“That’s right!” Akarin suddenly shouted, “I know where to find the best teacher candidate!”

“Who is it?”

Akarin answered with a slight smile, “Go find the humans.”



This chapter came out much later than expected due to the disturbance with the 3rd Gender Bender project earlier. It's already 2am and I should be sleeping~


Lol thank you the chapter. Get some rest, dont over do it now lol


What language are they conversing in right now, anyway?


That's... a very good question indeed, what language could they be using. Since the MC doesn't know dragon language, it could be a common language in that world, which means... while the goddess didn't give him the ability to comprehend dragon language, they did give him the ability to understand common language?