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So Monday. Yay. Progress has been painfully slow, lot of building sets and lot of people in the scenes. So tends to make things annoying. And then lightning didn't play ball and it took 3 hours to set it to a point where it was something I actually liked. Observe:

The idea was a window on the left side of the image (out of screen) to be that major light source in the scene and candles to provide some extra "mood" lighting" and... yeah I think it got it decently. At least with few ghost lights clearing up some of the faces nicely.

Yeah there is a minor, yet somewhat predictable spoiler in the image. But what I'm happy about is writing, that is on schedule and hopefully after today I'm back with the buffer I want.

And update 0.8.0 was pushed to public as promised... I really need get few extra hours to a day so I can redo the blog as well.



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