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Man I feel like I've run a marathon. So where are we at? On rendering side of things I caught up most of the time I spent building so, about half way done. The current scene I'm rendering has a lot of variations so it  bloats the image count as can't reuse images. But over all right now I'm happy how it goes.

On technical side of things, I've been experimenting with the various patching methods and so far packing things in to .rpa seems to be the simplest way. Unfortunately that means that you need to do clean install for the 0.9.0 so things don't break when going forward, saves are unaffected as there aren't any coding changes to the previous days. But I'm still looking for alternatives and trying them out as well. And few other technical hurdles to cross, but that's another worry for another day.


Naughty James

do love the game and it game story that you have going on


Glad that you enjoy it, and I'll try my best to weave the story so that you keep enjoying.

Bryon Smothers 3DX

Sounds great. I am loving this game. Looking forward to more.