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Surprise! So as promised the 0.8.0 will be available for all patrons, simply due me thinking that it is short. Technically it is since contains only 157 renders, which is about 60 renders less then most of the days so far. But only 20'ish renders less than the average day in TRS... Hmm... Well promise is a promise and I intend to keep it.

 Changelog 0.8.0

  • Day 8 implemented.
  • 157 renders

So what does this mean for the  public release? 0.8.0 will go public on Monday as it was planned with 0.7.0. And the staggered release will resume with 0.9.0, which I'll start basically 20 seconds after the upload is done. Unless it is past midnight. In that case I'll start it in the morning >.>

And speaking of 0.9.0, I'm looking up to way to make a patch over downloading the whole thing. Simply because my release schedule of these updates is fast at the moment, so I don't want you to download constantly the whole base game again and again and again. And don't worry, it still will be available for download as complete game along side of the patch.



Ren'py needs a good patching system. Every game has this issue, and some are 3 GB.


There is apparently a way for it, but it requires a server. Which isn't really something that most developers can do. But one way is to pack things in to separate .RPA's and distribute only those that changed or new. Which is something I'm looking up as it is the simplest way.

Bryon Smothers 3DX

You could do it this way. Each day is built as its own rpy file. and each day has its own image folder. All you would have to do is zip up the new day and a new image folder. Then The players would just unzip the update and copy-paste it into the main game. I know I have seen a game that does it like this but can't remember what it was called. I play way too many renpy games.


It's set up like that already. Just that the difference being that with RPA's everything goes under the game folder instead of their own sub folders (images mostly). And technically speaking, with RPA's there is less chance of a fuck ups as ren'py builds them. Me doing the packing up at 3 in the morning has way bigger chance getting something fucked up, and that's no fun for anyone. But what I end up using remains to be seen once I get closer to completion of 0.9.0.