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I'm behind my internal schedule... by 4 images >.> Which translates about 1 hour of work. So yeah. What's up? Image plan is about 75% done, there is bit movement to both ways, at times it feels like I need more images and at times it feels that I need less. And unfortunately the happy road isn't in the middle.

Two scenes to do rendering wise. Writing wise, finishing touches on day 14 and moving to day 15. The writing buffer is bit smaller than I would like, but it's still there. Not that the writing is the hard part, it is mostly finding the time for it among everything else.

And I'm really itching for 0.8.0 to be done as I want to make a behind the scene's post but at the same time it would contain spoilers so I kind of don't want to until it's out. Choices choices!

And speaking of content, where does the 0.8.0 leads us? It's the first and probably the only subtitled day, so far anyway. It marks the change in tone, style and progress as things are starting to happen faster, but more of that later as I don't think we have a spoiler tag in here.

But on the positive side, Daz PC+ anniversary is here, hooray for hopefully cheaper stuff that I might be able to use without kit bashing stuff too much, not that I mind it just takes time away from everything else. But sacrifices has to be made...

Damn it's getting harder to have non spoiler images up here. I've talked about it before why I didn't do a sequel to TRS right away, this image is part of the reasons. While TRS is science fiction it is to a bound by certain rules. With Shattered Seals I can break those rules and boundaries in more "realistic" way. 

And it allows me to experiment and learn with materials that I couldn't while doing  more "grounded" science fiction, sure psionic powers aren't exactly anything realistic. But it would be harder to explain existence of ghosts and spirits in there than it is in fantasy type setting. Although, I could use that style of character as an alien as well but... hmm... now I need to make a note...



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