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Chapter 81 – Unwelcome Addition

The Crimson Valkyries took a moment to rest, and gather their thoughts after the rather… unorthodox way the last boss fight had gone. Mari, smiling happily despite the fact that she had been in the center of a three lizardman orgy, simply shrugged off the questions of her friends. She’d always been a lesbian, and not the least interested in any male, at least, not in that way. But ever since she’d taken the gift that Lord Kuronoth had offered her, that attitude had gone away. She simply enjoyed sex, all sex, with anyone. If they were ready and willing to play, then why shouldn’t she enjoy herself more?

That attitude worried the other Valkyries slightly, but after ensuring that Mari was under no outside compulsion, they relaxed slightly. There had been reports of others who had been changed into other races getting the instincts and attitudes that went with it, so the idea that Mari was now behaving in a way that was normal for a ‘Lewd Human’ made a twisted kind of sense. However, the obvious effect she had had on the lizardfolk males the moment she got within range of them made it clear that they were going to have serious problems as soon as they got back to the surface. The population of Swamptown was almost entirely men, after all. A running orgy throughout the town would be… not exactly what they were interested in seeing (and likely being drawn into) after a dungeon dive.

The loot they had gotten was better than they had received on their last time through the dungeon, but they were a little confused to be getting ammunition for modern firearms from some of the mobs. Sure, the fungal zombies had always dropped ammunition, but why did a Vurlock have an unopened box of shotgun shells? Eventually, they just chalked it up to the weirdness of the System expressing itself, and got ready to head on to the Black Temple they had heard about.

However, when they were about to go through the portal, it immediately shifted from blue, like most outgoing portals in the Dungeon, to a very unhealthy-looking red. For a moment, they were convinced that there must be some kind of hidden encounter they had to fight. However, a blue screen appearing before them allayed that concern, and replaced it with entirely new ones.


To: The Crimson Valkyries

From: Management, The Exotic Chambers of Forbidden Pleasures

Subject: Admittance to the Black Temple level of the Dungeon

It is our regret to inform you that your party does not currently   meet the requirements in order to complete the Black Temple level of the   Exotic Chambers of Forbidden Pleasures dungeon. Your party, consisting of [0]   Males, [5] Females, and [0] Other does not have the requisite equipment   necessary for the completion of the dungeon floor. However, as we are aware   that your group may feel cheated at being forced to retreat and find a new   group member to pass this point, we have a standard package of two options which   can be chosen to allow you to proceed.

Package A: A suitably equipped individual will be temporarily added   to your party, for the purpose of completing the dungeon. This individual   will not aid you in combat, but will help in overcoming any obstacles between   you and the final altar at the bottom of the temple. By choosing this   package, you agree and consent to complete all three optional challenge rooms   (with restricted reward choices) as well as the three advancement rooms.

Package B: Upon acceptance of the package, a potion shall be provided   to your party allowing one of your members to become properly equipped to   help you in the dungeon. With this package, the optional challenge rooms are   no longer mandatory and the rewards are not restricted. However, the changes to   the affected individual will be permanent, even after leaving the dungeon.

Please be informed that once selected, your package cannot be changed   until your next time entering the Dungeon, provided you still do not have the   requisite equipment to complete the floor.

Thank you for your patronage.


Clarissa groaned as she read the ‘notice’ that they’d all been given. “It would appear that the demon is screwing with us, once again.”

Rubi shook her head, and said, “Saying that we’re not equipped to complete the level, does that mean what I think it means?”

Shannon nodded softly. “Yes, I don’t doubt it. You can tell because of how they made a point of registering our genders. Apparently, none of us having a penis means we can’t continue on to the next floor.”

Mari cocked her head at that, and said, “None of the other groups ever mentioned such a thing. I’m sure we would have heard about it if something like this were in place.”

Clarissa sighed, and said, “None of the other groups were single-sex, like ours is. Sure, they’re usually mostly male, with one or two token females, but the point is that they’re mixed gender. So they are already ‘equipped’ for the challenge rooms.”

Tina took a deep breath, and then said, “I could try asking, to see what He says.”

Shannon looked uncertain. “You know that praying to Him more often will only lead you towards that path, right?”

Tina nodded, and said, “But it could help. At least we may be able to get some idea of what these changes might be?” Seeing as how no one had a good argument against that, she found a good spot of floor, and knelt, holding the cursed holy symbol around her neck. “Kuronoth, demon of the dungeon, I seek your guidance in the choice that has been presented to us.” She tried to at least be a little respectful, this time, since she wanted actual advice. Once again, she felt Him enter her mind.

“Ah, my delightful little Valkyrie. It is good to see you embracing your path, even though you could have gotten rid of the symbol by now, with little Mari’s help. So, you wish to know what, exactly?”

“Two questions. First, what is the nature of the change that one will go through, if we pick that option. And Second, who will be chosen if we choose to have an outsider come to help us?”

“Ah, my little pet, if you will allow me to speak through you, I will give my answer to your group as a whole. But you must accept me and willingly allow this until you have formalized your place in my faith.”

“Will it hurt? I saw the footage when you spoke through the girl for that reporter.”

“No, I have gotten much better with that by now.”

“Then I accept.”

Tina stood, and turned to look at the group. Only now her eyes were not her own, and they glowed red with the energy of Something or Someone possessing her. “My lovely pet has consented to my use of her body so that I can tell you all directly the answer to the questions she asked.” Not-Tina smiled as she saw Shannon getting ready for a spell, “Do not bother, Priestess of Freyja. I cannot be exorcised from one who has willingly become my vessel, even if it is for only a small moment.”

Shannon sighed, and looked to the others, “The demon is speaking through her. And it seems as though Tina invited him in.”

Not-Tina took a breath, and said, “Indeed. She wished to make this quicker and easier than having constant back and forths with her as the medium. As you have figured out, your group does not have the correct equipment to proceed through the dungeon. You are all ‘Locks’, but with no ‘Key’. This was not something I put in place for you especially, though I had groups such as yours in mind when I made this system.”

“Should you choose one of your number to be transformed, they will be given a potion that will ensure they gain the proper equipment, and an expansion to their libido to ensure performance. The potion is slightly experimental, so I do not know if it will turn, say, a female into a male, or whether the result will be some combination of the two. And yes, regardless of the result, the effects shall be quite permanent unless one goes to a temple to get the aid of the gods, though you will need more than any simple cleanse or dispelling.”

“If you should pick the temporary companion, one of my minions who possesses the proper equipment shall be waiting for you on the other side of the portal. As stated, they will not help you to fight, but can help to get you past other obstacles on the floor. But you will be forced into completing all six of the ‘special’ rooms before you get to the Altar, where I will be waiting.”

Then, Tina’s eyes returned to normal, and she staggered, as though she’d just run a sprint of a mile in less than a minute. “Oh, my god, that was freaky as hell.” Shaking her head slightly, the rogue looked to the concerned members of her team. “What? He didn’t make me do anything weird, did he? He said he was just going to explain things to you.”

Mari shook her head, and said, “No, they were just freaked out by the glowy red eyes and the Lord’s voice coming out of your mouth. It was pretty cool, I think. They’re just getting a little scared about things that are really nothing.”

Rubi grit her teeth to keep her real thoughts on the matter from being spoken aloud. “At any rate, now we got the answer on what the ‘change’ would be. The bastard has left us with a choice of leaving, turning one of us into a man, or maybe a Herm, or something completely different, but still having the ‘equipment’ needed for the challenges, or we basically summon one of his minions to rape us as we go through the Temple. There’s nothing about this that is ‘nothing’.”

“I think it is worse than that, actually.” All eyes turned to Clarissa. “Whoever gets changed will probably get the ‘Lewd’ template added on to their race. I don’t know if you can build up a resistance to the pheromones, but it is likely that from the moment the person changed, we’d be constantly… busy and stay that way until they needed a break. If any of us had the strength to make it through the encounters with the roaming demons, I’d be surprised.”

Mari nodded. “So, the choice becomes simple. Do we leave, and admit defeat? Or do we get a tasty chunk of manmeat to have his way with us as we go through the dungeon? I mean, we haven’t done anything to piss the Lord off, so he’ll probably give us someone scrumptious, and not something icky, like Captain Hentai or some kind of mobile Seeder Bush.”

Shannon looked the mage squarely in the eye, and said, Mari, I really, really, REALLY didn’t need the image of Captain Hentai following us around through the dungeon, doing BDSM scenarios with us in the challenge rooms, running through my head. I did not need that at all, and now it is stuck there, and I blame you.”

Tina shook her head. “There’s no point just talking about it. We have to pick one or the other. Go back, or get someone with the equipment we lack to help us move on and see the Demon. And a couple of us really need to go down to the Altar, or we run afoul of contracts.”

Clarissa looked at each of them. “So, we take the unwelcome addon? Yes or no?”

Tina nodded. “Yes.”

Mari bounced. “Yesyesyes!”

Shannon sighed. “We have no choice. Yes.”

Rubi groaned. “I am so going to regret this. Yes.”

Clarissa nodded her head, and turned to the blue screen, which was now covering the red portal. She pressed the button to accept Package A. After confirming her choice, the blue screen winked out, and the portal changed from red back to its normal blue. With a deep breath, the Crimson Valkyries stepped through the portal, to see who the Demon had stuck them with.


While none of the Crimson Valkyries echoed the words of their barbarian out loud, all of them save Mari could clearly be seen thinking them, as they beheld the figure that was standing there, dressed in black dress slacks, with a white button-up shirt and a long black coat.

“Hahah. Hello Ladies. It has been a while since we last met. So glad to see you’re all just as beautiful as I remembered.”

Smiling roguishly at them, and seemingly unaffected by being so close to Mari, was Diego the Ranger, now the Master Vampire who was supposed to be getting the as yet un-finished Undead floor.



They really should have expected that to be honest. I also have a feeling the next floor is going to really change them.


Lmfao that was priceless only way it could be better is if it was the demon


Three lizardman orgy? Thought they were the vurlock things? The water monsters?


That's what I get for writing late at night. Yeah, supposed to be vurlocks.