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(Holy crap, already to book 9?)


Prologue – Trade Chat

(Adventurer’s Guild Official Forums, Miami Branch)

SunnyBunz, MightyMouse, ImAPally, DontYouWantMe, AsaAkiraIsBae, BestGirl, LatinHeat, Salty, Backpage, Craig34, l33tpally, Anonymous3, Anonymous4, RedFox, Kimiko, DonnyJuan, Crusader, BadCompany, HurricaneGal, Scholar, Righteous, Id10t, Satyr, DarkEnchanter, ScoopGirl, VenusFlyTramp, MagicMike, TsundereHealer, Max, LightningLegacy, SwiftTaylor, Domino, Bacchus, Aegis, Temptation, and Lord_Kickass are in the chat.

Kimiko: Um, has anyone noticed anything… odd about some of the new monsters in the dungeon?

Id10t: You talking about the ‘Lewd’ ones, right?

Kimiko: Yeah, like, just being around them makes your head all funny.

SunnyBunz: What you mean is that being near one of them turns you into a raging slut that can’t think of anything except getting mounted like a bitch in heat.

Kimiko: Well, I was trying to be less crass about it.

BestGirl: Apparently, they have Pheromones that affect people of the opposite sex. The Shaman boss on the Lizardman floor had the rest of my team just completely ignoring the Chieftain to try and fuck her.

Scholar: That is in line with what I’ve learned about them, yes.

Domino: So is that why the girls taken by the new Hunter on the first floor never seem to resist that much?

Bacchus: Yeah, I work at the Adventurer’s Guild, and we got an email from the Crimson Valkyries while they were in one of the Safe Rooms.

DarkEnchanter: What did they say?

Bacchus: Apparently, the things have pheromones, like you said, but their fluids are basically a drug. So once you’re taken, you’re too drugged up to resist.

Kimiko: But why don’t any of the groups on the first floor smell the pheromones before the Hunter strikes?

Bacchus: The Valkyries think that is because he is striking from the water. So if you have a water mage or something like that, you could get a brief window to fight them by splashing the room with water.

DarkEnchanter: So far there’s only the one female Lewd creature, right?

SunnyBunz: That we know of.

Scholar: It may be that the Demon is testing things on the Lizardfolk floor that he didn’t want to show us when we were observing the building of the Water Temple.

Satyr: So, how dangerous are these pheromones, anyway?

SunnyBunz: You get close enough, and you literally cannot think of anything but sex. You know, like how douchebags think women react to dick pics.

Backpage: *hands out ointment for the burn*

Lord_Kickass: But if it is just making us fuck the females, what is the danger?

Craig34: Sure, that works if they are alone. But if there are guards with nice sharp pointy things with which to introduce your insides to the outsides…

Lord_Kickass: Point.

MightyMouse: Huh. So the ‘Lewd’ thing only works on the opposite gender, yeah?

Bacchus: Yeah, that’s what the Valkyries said in their email. Opposite gender, regardless of preferences. Why?

MightyMouse: So what would happen if this got added to that Boss Goblin?

Temptation: Ooh, what a delicious idea! I know shi will be delighted to test that out!

VenusFlyTramp: Mousie, what have we said about giving the Demon ideas?

MightyMouse: *small voice* Don’t?

VenusFlyTramp: Exactly. And what did you just do?

MightyMouse: Gave him an idea. I’m sowwy!

VenusFlyTramp: *nods* And well you should be.

ImAPally: So, definitely going to need more in the way of ranged attacks moving forward, then?

Backpage: Yeah. People haven’t been working on ranged attacks except for magic since they aren’t that effective against the creatures on the first couple floors, and carrying enough ammo while you’re tromping through a swamp is a pain.

Max: Plus, because of the way the dungeon works, most of the encounters start at melee range, or at the point where you move quickly into melee range. Unless they’re a Ranger, I don’t really want anyone shooting arrows or bullets past me to try and hit whatever I’m fighting in melee.

LightningLegacy: Yeah, it is hard enough managing to sneak magic through to support people on the front line, and that has some targeting functions!

Anonymous3: So, have melee weapons for the mains, but start carrying ranged weapons for shit we don’t want to fight up close?

Backpage: Basically, yeah. Sword doesn’t run out of bullets, but a gun can kill from across the room.

Craig34: Of course, getting guns that work with the System is expensive as hell right now.

Anonymous4: Well, I’ve seen a couple as drops from the dungeon, but they were old-style, single shot kind of things.

Temptation: Not to bore you with the details, but the Dungeon needs more ‘power’ to make something like a modern assault rifle. I have the ‘template’ for it already, but the materials and mechanics of it require more power to unlock, or the extended services of a gunsmith.

Anonymous4: Leaving aside the gunsmith for now, how would we get the power for you to make guns?

Temptation: Why, simply bringing people in and killing them would work, of course. Or having a group of people come and enjoy the comforts of the breeding halls for a while could do it. And Faith is a kind of power as well, and one that doesn’t require you to get your hands bloody or go signing people up for the breeding halls.

ScoopGirl: So the more people that worship you, the stronger you’ll be, and by extension the stronger the Dungeon gets?

Temptation: Simply put, but yes.

Crusader: You were a monster as a human and even more of a monster now, and you are trying to become a god?

Temptation: But of course! And already I have those who have turned to my faith.

DonnyJuan: Out of curiosity, what does worship of a Dungeon Demon entail?

Crusader: YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS?!?!

DonnyJuan: Hey, we’re in a world crammed full of different gods with actual power thanks to the System. If one in the making is willing to talk, I’m willing to listen.

Temptation: See, that is the kind of open-minded attitude I like. As for what my faith entails? Well, you can start by seeking pleasure and casting off all those silly ‘rules’ you live by in the day to day world. Not the laws, of course, unless you can get away with it, but all those silly social conventions that keep you from doing what you enjoy. Take pleasure in pleasure itself. And enjoy spreading those pleasures to others, drowning them in so-called ‘corruption’ so that they can learn true pleasure.

DonnyJuan: That sounds too good to be true.

Temptation: Well, everything has a price, of course, and what some consider pleasure, is pain to others. And sometimes the pleasure and pain intertwine. Those who follow my path learn the strength that bringing those around them to pleasure can give them.

Crusader: Do not listen to him!

Temptation: Of course, you could always come to my Altar in the Black Temple. Then you will see the truth of things.



Living up to his forum name I see. Also great idea for the Goblin boss.


With the epilog of the 8th book this sounds promising.


Agreed it does like he said a gun Smith could make an entire case of guns that are all different let the dungeon absorb them for instant variety. And since a gunsmith made the they will work far better than even the military mass production models. The only thing is shooting is a skill and one that takes a lot of time ammo and practice to become competant enough not to hit your own people in a firefight. That's why Marines train constantly.