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OK folks, here's how the contest for the $500 goal you guys met is going to go. There will be three parts to the contest. In the first part (this poll) you guys pick which story the reader-assisted plot arc will be in. Part 2 will come after the poll closes, and will be a call for suggestions for that story. Part 3 will be me picking my favorites of the suggestions, and posting another poll so you people can decide whose idea is best. And when that poll closes, I get with the winner and we work out how it will go.

Sound good to everyone? Allrighty then! Let's get this show on the road!


Patrick C

I picked Lewd dungeons because while I like Rules Free I like the direction it has been going in for the most part and Lewd Dungeon is more a gag read.


I went for City of Champions myself as there are few good superhero litrpg books I have found.

Stijn Van Hove

CoC is the only one of them I like less (the writing is as good as the rest obviously, just the story is less my thing), so it's a hard choice. I'll go for Into the Black.