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All right! You guys were pretty overwhelming in choosing Lewd Dungeon as the story for the reward, so everyone submit your plot arcs here, and then I'll pick the best ones so you guys can choose. Then I'll get with the Patron who submitted the idea, and we'll work out how this'll go down.



How about a confrontation with Lea's goddess? It would be especially crazy if he somehow managed to trick her into enslavement forcing Lea to risk everything to try and save her. For that matter, since she is the goddess of freedom, her enslavement would mean the desecration of all of her temples with a notice that they can only be reconsecrated if she is freed. This would cause two consequences, the bad is that all her followers would descend on the dungeon to free her, and the good is that as a slave to the dungeon, none of her followers can directly attack the dungeon or lose their goddesses blessing.


I think we need an over eager slave to join the dungeon, that also tends to drive the dungeon a little crazy.


Bonus points for a slave that wants to be broken but cant.

Sam Ellis

the problem is that this would probably tick off all the gods evans those how are the goddesses enemies. The idea that some would enslave a god while not a god being something that the dark would want to discorage.


Here’s my submission. I wasn’t sure how detailed you wanted these to be, so I’m in no way wedded to the outline. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to contribute! Theme: The reintroduction of slavery, legal and otherwise, into the United States and the crusade against its source. Background: At the height of the defense of Naples, the conscripted convicts see the opportunity they’ve been waiting for. Deliberately breaching the walls, they use the subsequent massacre as cover to escape into the swamps. While their fate will never be known, the aftershocks of their actions will be felt throughout society. Furious that those they gave a second chance at life betrayed them and unwilling to lose the sorely needed manpower they represent; the federal government turns to the slave collar. Kuro, seeing an opportunity to staff his newly created shrines with people perfect for the task, agrees to supply slave collars in exchange for ‘volunteers’ from death row who will serve the dungeon in exchange for their lives. The exchange goes smoothly, but it doesn’t take long for collars to begin ‘falling out of the back of the truck.’ The appearance of enslaved prostitutes and journalistic investigations into the sources of their collars leads to public outcry against the government’s plan, with a lawsuit against the government for constitutional violations started by soon-to-be-enslaved prisoners (the government’s argument is that the collars are simply a new form of prisoner control, one that is, in fact, more humane the beanbag shotguns and tasers). The story begins when a FOIA request outs the dungeon as the source of the collars. Plotline Outline: • Kuro gets outed as the slave collar source. • Various ‘Good’ organizations upgrade the dungeon’s threat level from ‘minor irritant’ to ‘source of moral collapse’ and send parties in an effort to conquer the dungeon (either to destroy or control it and turn it ‘good’, not sure if there’s a method to do the latter). • While they’re at the dungeon town organizing, the Lizardmen arrive and are immediately outmatched by the unexpected influx of adventurers. • Seeing an opportunity, Kuro negotiates with the lizardmen, offering them slave collars and other useful tools (and possibly a place in the dungeon) in exchange for part of their take. The Lizardmen begin a guerrilla war. • During exploration of the dungeon, the party dispatched from the Vatican (lead by a certain priest we’ve seen before and who’s been contracted as a guide) are the first to find the temple. • After consecrating the shrine of Mary, they use it’s buffs to push into the core room, where they fight the battle harem. • While the holy warriors have a large advantage, they fall when their attempts to free the harem rather than kill them causes the 2 hour buff timer to expire and they ‘fall from grace’ under the effects of the herbs of eros. • Kuro completes their fall by forcing them to desecrate the shrine of Mary, granting him a force of dark paladins for future endeavors.


EDIT: Reworded theme per Matthew's comment Another idea I had. If you don’t want more then one per person, just let me know and I’ll delete one. Theme: Lizardmen explore the dungeon, causing Kuro to adjust it to better mold them to his needs and desires. Plotline: With adventurers rushing to Naples to participate in the defense, the dungeon town becomes almost abandoned just in time for the Lizardmen to arrive. Massacring the remaining inhabitants, they decide to take advantage of the human’s distraction to get as much out of exploring the dungeon as they can before they are inevitably forced to flee. Due to differences in Lizardman tech level, physiology, and culture, Kuro has to temporarily change how he operates in order to take advantage of the Lizardman’s presence. Potential Changes: • Dropping slave collars frequently with a note that the dungeon is willing to trade slaves for items. • A trading area where Lizardmen can exchange slaves for currency (finally use that slave value stat) or items. Specifically, giving lizardmen access to firearms and other modern technology for use in the future. • Enticing the lizardmen to breed with the different creatures of the dungeon (in conjunction with Echidna’s shrine) to introduce new variants to the dungeon. Notes: The goal of this arc would be to end up with a tribe of Lizardmen that becomes a group of nomadic slavers, every so often returning to the dungeon in secret to trade slaves for supplies. I think it would be interesting to have a nonhuman group adapting to modern technology and incorporating it into their culture alongside the human adaptation to the system.


Theme: Character Devolopment and Growth of the Dungeon's slaves and the dungeon itself. The devolopment of this arc would be rather simple. You have each of his slaves getting their own "chapter" what he does to them, how they have changed/been corrupted since the beginning. Potential class changes to better reflect their new place and life, potential race changes like Succubus or similar to reflect how they have "fallen" and then we get his own growth and some potential future planing on how to take advantage of the military, gain a few more slaves and set himself up as a God. Then we get the "end" part which is an adventurer party or more comming in and getting to witness the changes and their reactions. Leading into potential an hillarius tradechat prologue or epilogue. Guess I just want after all this story advancement want to see some progress and devolopment of the "inside" related to his slaves and how their falling under his influence bit by bit. Dana would be a wonderfull Succubus at this point as she has been there the longest.

Patrick C

Theme: Breeder bush infected men wreak havoc on the local population. Plot: Not everyone forks out the money to get the breeder job removed and when they have sex both inside and outside the dungeon all hell breaks loose. Babies are being born everywhere and with the goddess of fertility reducing pregnancy length and the goddess of mutation allowing non-compatible pregnancies soon everything from the people to the monsters, to the plants and pets are pregnant. Now the town must deal with the aftermath. Kuro sets up a demon run daycare.


IMO go with Adam Shook's Darkmore an infernal God portfolio slavery and dominance. Suggestion from the other thread, since he has the Godlayer, and Chainmaker titles he would be the antithesis of Lea's chainbreaker god.


With a wibbly wobbly space time view and if you add in Heinlein's mythic universe theorem heroes characters in one story could be gods or such in others.

Matthew Johnson

Forcing Kuro to adapt to them instead of them adapting to Kuro is the only part I have a problem with.

Matthew Johnson

Kuro is a god now so he should be able to get dark paladins any way but crusading holy warriors falling is always enjoyable.

Patrick C

When will new chapters of lewd dungeon come out? Will it wait until all this poll stuff is over or will a new chapter come out before then?


Maybe have a chapter where kuro enslaves and rapes leas chainbreaker goddess or an avatar of her maybe while the little paladin watches causing both to fall