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I just realized that I ought to have mentioned this on Patreon for those of you close to the area. The Morrison Natural History Museum (501 Colorado Hwy. 8, Morrison, Colorado*), which is run by my good friend Matthew T. Mossbrucker and which has featured in many of my videos, is hosting its annual Stegosaurus Day celebration on Saturday, April 29th (tomorrow as I write this). This is a special set of programs, including an expanded guided tour with a presentation of the first fossils of Stegosaurus ever discovered which came from right here. The event commemorates the anniversary of the day Stegosaurus was named the official Colorado State Fossil.

If you enjoy dinosaurs (and I know many of you do), consider stopping by. I'm generally at Stegosaurus Day by the time the museum opens (10:00 a.m.) and generally spend a good part of the day there, though I might come and go a few times. Regardless it's a good time at an excellently curated museum that features exclusively local fossils, and you'll enjoy meeting Mossbrucker and his talented staff and volunteers. The event is very kid-friendly with a lot of kid activities but it's not exclusively for kids (and the museum tour is for kids or adults).

Sorry for the late notice, but I hope if you're in the area you'll consider dropping by one of my favorite places.

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford

*There are three museums in Morrison, so make sure you go to the right one if you decide to visit.




Or go to all 3 museums in Morrison. Make a day of it! Museums are great! This is too short of a notice for me - since I'm seeing this Saturday morning, but this museum is on my list when I do visit Colorado (hopefully soon).


Wow, what a great day this was. I couldn’t have asked for better weather or a better view. The museum and staff are fantastic! Thanks to Matthew Mossbrucker for a great discussion and for disabusing me of some outdated dinosaur notions I had carried around since grade school. And thank you to Jackson, for being so unbelievabley generous with his time. Just the coolest guy to spend an afternoon with! Thanks again.