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For those of you in the area, here are the details on my brief upcoming trip to Lexington, Kentucky.

On Wednesday, April 26th 5:00 p.m. local time, I'll be giving a talk on the University of Kentucky campus in the William T. Young Library's UK Athletics Association Auditorium. Then there will be a meet-and-greet with light refreshments and a book signing right after that in the adjacent Alumni Gallery. Details on the flier above.

On Thursday, April 27th 9:00 a.m. local time, I'll be at Cup of Common Wealth (the one in the Cornerstone building, 401 S Limestone, *not* the original location on Eastern Ave.) and be happy to say hi to any Patreon supporters who feel like coming by. I might very well have Andrew Byrd or Brenna Byrd with me if that extra inducement is something you'd drive a little further for. 

As usual, I'm also hoping I get approval to record and post the public lecture later on Youtube also.

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford




Good luck with it all. So sorry to read that life has got difficult lately (suspect that's putting it mildly). Please take your time and look after yourself (y)

Cameron Paterson

Footnote: I was initially confused by the reference to the UK - then the penny dropped, ha ha