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Thank you all for your kindness and understanding as I've needed to take a big step away from my computer while dealing with personal commitments. I'm fine, and I think I'll be fine going forward, but these have been phenomenally stressful and busy days.

That being said, I'm still deep in it, so I'm going to regretfully cancel my Zoom office hours I'd intended to hold tomorrow (I hope to reschedule for a later day so that it does happen this month). I mean to make that the last new change to my schedule before getting back to normal.

Stella is still holding "Odin hours" tomorrow:

Saturday, April 22nd, at 1:00 p.m. U.S. mountain time. Zoom link here (https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84275351311), passcode: rustin

And you'll still have the very exciting opportunity to ask questions about ancient Alpine alphabets that could have been the origin of the runes in our interview with Dr. Corinna Salomon Sunday:

Sunday, April 23rd, 11:00 a.m. U.S. Mountain time
Zoom link here ( https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/99463289265 ), passcode: 913893

Thank you for your patience and all the kind words. All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford



I mean we actually said "time off", not "postpone", but i trust your judgement and all that... Anyway good luck with everything.


Det viktigste er at du kommer deg gjennom dine personlige problemer på best mulig måte…Vi er her,venter tålmodig på deg til du er klar for oss igjen!