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I regret having to cancel "office hours" in April, but it really couldn't be helped. I'm going to try to get ahead of things by holding them earlier in May, on this Friday, May 5th, at 12:30 p.m. U.S. Mountain time (use timeanddate.com to find the time in your local time zone). The Zoom link is here( https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/92753966927 ) and the passcode is 592599

If you're new to office hours, as stated in previous "office hours" posts: The Old Norse "office hours" idea is that you come with your questions about Old Norse grammar, or perhaps something you're working on translating, and we discuss it in real time and you can also get some input from other learners in addition to me. I won't "assign" you material or anything, but if you have an Old Norse text you're trying to read, we can look at that together, or I can offer some clarity (hopefully) on grammar questions that have been bugging you. 

I hope everyone's doing well. All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford

P.S. Your Patreon messages don't reach me, and vice versa for my replies to you. I don't get notifications for them, and there's nothing on my home page to show me when there is or isn't a message. I can't even always see them when I check for them manually, and you won't see it if I reply! The best ways to get in touch are: a) just to comment on posts like this, b) to post in the  Community page, or c) to email Stella at [admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com]--remember the 'W' between my first and last names in that domain name.



Ooooh, 8 PM is prime-time Office Hour time, you shouldn't have! I wish I could say I have MHG Star Wars to present at this time, but that would be a lie, so I'll just bring the regular ON instead. On a different note, Office Hours can wait as long as you need them to. I'm glad you've brought it back so soon, but don't push yourself if you don't feel like it.


Hi Jackson Crawford. I am currently studying the elder futhark as my research project for year 12 and i would like it if you'd be able to give me some feedback on my research


You can bring some questions to office hours, otherwise you might email my assistant Stella at [admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com] who can point you toward good resources.