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Two links for you at the end of this week: Patreon supporter Laura Kemmerer interviewed me about the audiobooks and a University of Colorado magazine produced an odd little feature about me .

In Patreon business, I “unpublished” the old Alu tier that was at $1/month, and published a new Alu tier at $2/month. This does not affect anybody already in the Alu tier; you can continue at $1/month indefinitely and get the same benefits as before. What it means is that *new* patreon supporters signing up for the Alu tier will pledge $2/month rather than $1/month. I am making this change after long discussions with trusted advisors, and a consideration of how much money and time I am regularly putting into the content on my channel. I will also be addressing this in an upcoming revision of my old FAQs, although of course some old videos still include me saying that the bottom tier is only $1/month.

If you’ve heard the Poetic Edda audiobook (which has been available since Tuesday), let us know what you thought! And thanks as always for your generous support on Patreon.



I'll pick it up this week and let you know my thoughts.


The audiobook is amazing, and an answer to a prayer... when asked about this a couple of years ago Doc you didn’t think it would happen and well look how far you have come sir🤣🍻