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I'd like to schedule our next Patreon livechat on Discord for this coming Monday (Nov. 12th). Instead of deciding the time myself, I made a Doodle poll with the five 1-hour slots that I can potentially free for this purpose. Please answer the poll with the times that you would like or not like, or what times you could make but wouldn't be optimal ("if need be"). I will hold the livechat during the two hours that get the most "yes" votes by the time I check it tomorrow (with "if need be" votes used as a tie-breaker), whether or not those two hours are contiguous. You don't have to be registered on Doodle to answer the poll; the link is https://doodle.com/poll/bwv2utxrrzpkpkpr

Please note that the times indicated are U.S. Mountain Time. I do not know how to set up Doodle to indicate your time zone, but if you want to find out what time each slot is in your time zone, use https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ and enter "Denver" for the times that I have given here.

Thanks as always for your continued support on Patreon!


Doodle: Next Patreon livechat

Doodle radically simplifies the process of scheduling events, meetings, appointments, etc. Herding cats gets 2x faster with Doodle. For free!


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