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As I mentioned recently, every step in the process of making and editing my videos is done on my phone. 

Unfortunately, on Friday my phone might as well have exploded--no one at Verizon or Apple had a clue what happened, but everything that was on it disappeared, it ceased functioning, and I don't back up to the cloud (I'm without internet access too often for me to rely on the internet as a place to save anything). So about three weeks of upcoming videos were lost, which is a worse loss than it would normally be because I was way behind on editing them anyway due to the massive amount of grading I've had to do in the past two weeks.

At this point, only my video for this coming Tuesday is made, edited, and posted. So it is possible that I will fall behind my regular schedule a little bit, and I wanted you to know why in case that comes to pass.



Really sorry to hear that. For the future, if you have a Mac laptop, you can use that for backup. Connect the phone and go to iTunes and select the phone there, and "sync". A bit of a hassle compare to the cloud, but doing it once in a while (when charging the phone for instance) might limit the loss if anything happens. (It might be possible to do wireless as well, I haven't tried that.)

NN Thomas

I don't have a lot of experience with iPhone but I remember it took a long time to recharge an iPad when it had been left idle for while . According to this article it could be the same problem . (I apologise in advance if you've already tried these steps) . <a href="https://www.howtogeek.com/216839/what-to-do-when-your-iphone-or-ipad-won" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.howtogeek.com/216839/what-to-do-when-your-iphone-or-ipad-won</a>’t-turn-on/


Unfortunately there was nothing for it in the end. But I've started anew.