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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Season 1


Season 2






Finally, the showdown!!


I'm not a violent man but seeing Mahone torturing Wyatt was the most satisfying scene ever. Not only did Wyatt kill a 4-year-old kid, he also tortured him first. That's just beyond messed up. There is no way in hell anyone could do that without being severely fucked up in the head.


You're saying Michael disease is unnecessary and serves no purpose, and also saying Gretchen being with the general is also unnecessary but maybe you should wait where the story goes with it because of course it will have some purpose, obviously I cannot spoil things but you should see where things go before judging/expecting specific storyline. Great episode and love the reaction, see you in the next one!


Also about Bellick going with Lincoln instead of Sucre. Sucre was shot so he couldn't go into the hole with Bellick because he cant lift that heavy with a gunshot wound. Also for me it worked that Lincoln was with Brad since he had a connection with him since season 1 and fox river because Bellick was always nice to linc even tho he was an asshole to everyone else.


Probably the most satisfying episode of the season not gonna lie. Wyatt didn't deserve anything but the ending he got. Mahone treated him like he wasn't even human, justified of course. Killing kids may as well be an instant humanity card revoker. William Fichner's acting throughout this whole episode where he was talking to Wyatt with that pain and broken voice despite him being the torturer was something else. And of course, Bellick's death. Going out like a hero, sad he only did so because he felt he had nothing to live for and at least this way he could do some good. Sacrificing himself for Linc and the rest of the crew who have families and whatnot. In regards to Michael's disease... I wouldn't call it unnecessary, they're obviously going somewhere with it and making him gradually worse would make more sense than if he just had a few nosebleeds and they dropped it altogether. Plus, now you know more about how their mom died. Who we didn't know a whole lot about.


In my opinion it was already implied. If you can message me with details why you think its a spoiler or when it is actually revealed ill edit my comment.

Zack Meaney

10 out of 10 for me couldn't go less than a 9

Daniel R

Sucre is Michael's bestie, he ain't going out like that. It works for a side character like Bellick

Leora Nechama

I still don't really get the love for Bellack when he died. He was always kind of a selfish ass but I guess he's not T-bag irredeemable.