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Glee Season 1



Glee Season 2





john segun doe

this is literally the only episode I've watched of this show back when it aired and really F**ckin liked it, Like the signing was superb so I'll just go ahead and watch this reaction


hey david, i was just wondering if you could do a tier list of the characters or something in that sort because i really wanna know which ones you like and don’t like. if not it’s okay!!!

I Am Not Chamari

Glee is absolutely sick for having two characters in wheelchairs sing "I'm Still Standing" Like who thought that would be a good idea??? Regarding Quinn, I think if the writers actually cared about her character, they would have made it a more substantial arc, but Quinn continuously gets the short end of the stick :/ I personally disagree on the Rachel/Finn stuff. Rachel is completely self-centered. We know that. Finn knows that. But Rachel and Finn had a solid plan to both go to New York together and make a life there. Rachel is a NYADA finalist. She hasn't applied for any other school. Rachel has shown no interest in being a tv/film actress thus far and has only showed interest in doing theater/Broadway. I don't know why Rachel absolutely hating that idea is a surprise to anyone. It's not about compromising or settling - it's simply not a possibility for Rachel who has built her entire life around Broadway/New York. Not to mention it seems that women are always the one who have to compromise their careers and their dreams for something they do not want. I completely understand where Finn is coming from - But to me, he is completely floundering because he doesn't know what he wants. But that isn't Rachel's fault. If Finn was having doubts about the plan they made, he should have just told her, instead of trying to change the plan on her. Otherwise, I honestly think this is the funniest episode of Glee ever. I laugh out loud so many times on all of my rewatches and Matt Bomer is just simply hilarious. I think people think it is a "filler" episode, but sometimes filler episodes can be good and a lot of fun! Also, any episode that is a Blaine heavy episode is GREAT in my book!


I liked this episode, but Quinn really deserved an episode dedicated to her and her injury. They could’ve had Big Brother later (because Blaine really needed the development, he barely had any up to this point, but it shouldn’t have been at the expense of Quinn)

Staton Chapman

I do agree they should have focused more on her being in the hospital after the accident and stuff but you can tell shes struggling. Her happiness is an act i believe and she probably is very worried if she will walk or not

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I agreed with your take on everything except Finchel. If running a pool cleaning business was a dream Finn had had as long as Rachel had about Broadway, I'd call her selfish. But this was something that had defined her life for longer than she can remember. And pool cleaning is Puck's dream. Finn actually has NO dream whatsoever. Rachel has even said she wants him to figure it out because the moment football went out the window, he stopped trying. Puck mentioned his dream and Finn latched on cuz he was spiraling without his own dreams or even as idea of what his future would look like. He did the same thing with Rachel and NY, but at least that's with someone he could see a future with. And don't tell me that he couldn't think of ONE thing to do in NYC? He could work, he could go to college, he could do whatever he wanted and Rachel wouldn't be standing in the way of his dreams cuz he literally hasn't figured out what that was yet. Rachel's done a lot of sus things for sure but on this one, I've always been Team Rachel. Finn wants her to give up her Broadway dreams that she's had since she was practically in the womb, to follow him to California where he's following HIS BFF on some casual whim? Of course Rachel didn't even consider what he's saying. He's never ONCE mentioned wanting to go to Cali or starting a pool cleaning business. It was just an idea Puck had that Finn heard and went, 'hmm, that's not too terrible. I could give that a shot too.' It something that came out of the blue and doesn't even have a good reasoning behind it. Team Rachel for me on this one. Finn's the one being selfish here.

Shannon Hartman

While I do agree that they should have had more story line of Quinn in the hospital, and her journey to the wheelchair (why can't she have an episode strictly around her accident?), fans may have been up in arms if they didn't give us an immediate conclusion on if she was going to be okay. If you didn't watch it when it originally aired, it wouldn't be a big deal, but look at the air dates. I remember watching that. People, myself included, watched that crash scene 50 times, convinced they had just written Quinn off the show. And that was the spring break episode where they didn't have the next Big Brother episode for about six weeks. We we were convinced no one could live through that crash... which I still believe, so I am glad they let her live. All I am saying is I wish they would have done some hospital story line... The more heart wrenching, the more I tend to love it, but by the end of six weeks, I wanted answers now, darn it! If they had started with her, for instance, in a coma, I think that a lot of people would have lost it after having such a strong reaction to that last episode, and having to sit with that reaction for so long. There were other options, of course, but as we can see, Quinn is not a priority story line. As much as she is personally one of MY favorites, she isn't for others, and definitely not for the writers, so I am sure it was a let's get past this story line so we can get onto more important characters moment.