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Teen Wolf Season 1



Teen Wolf Season 2





Lamberto Limon

A dead pool, also known as a death pool, is a game of prediction which involves guessing when someone will die. Sometimes it is a bet where money is involved. I’m assuming the number on the side is how much the will get like some have 250 or 350 next to them and Scott has 25 which I find weird since we know that Scott is the main character and not just a Alpha but a True Alpha which are rare. I would assume he’s would be worth more to kill than the family of Wendigos or the Beta that was killed Demarco which was the name he had stitched to his shirt. To be honest Scott is a strong Alpha he is can barely a Beta to save his live. He has a problem fully giving in at time which makes him a physically weak Alpha compared to a Beta that fully gives in or someone like Liam that channels all his rage when he shifts he might be a problem for Scott I can see him thinking that he could take on Scott and become an Alpha in the future if he doesn’t like how Scott runs the show. I’m assuming The Benefactor is the one that gives these assassins the key to get the names on the list to kill them off I don’t know if The Benefactor goes to specific assassins and gives them the option to choose or if it’s a free for all as in anyone can be a part to get the money.

Jayden Jones

The dead-pool and everything will be explained further in the next episode. As a big Scott fan myself, I understand why he doesn’t give in fully bcuz he doesn’t want to become a monster like his terrifying predecessors (Peter, Derek, Deucalion, Kali, etc.) but there are times when he could’ve easily stopped or fairly hurt someone to get things out of the way, quickly finish things, or just to get the job done without seriously hurting someone. Again, I get why but it’s like come on Scott, you could hurt someone without giving in fully. He has hurt people in the past so it’s not like he’s completely helpless but it’s just times like this where it doesn’t exactly make sense. I’m someone who knows how to take myself out of the show and realize there are ppl who are writing him to act this way so I’d rather attack the writers and ask why they wrote him this way where he holds back on situations that he can easily end without seriously hurting someone. It just doesn’t make sense. I’m looking at you Jeff Davis (the writer of the show lmao)

Nan A

All the hidden supernatural things in Beacon hills come out to play this season David.. I don't blame you for being confused as hell though..haha

Stefan Davis

I know I already said this wasn’t my favorite season ....I just want to clearify it’s not a bad season I just think they tried to squeeze too many mini arcs which sometimes felt rushed......but I love the benefactor arc....probably my favorite arc of the show and plus I love the introduction of Malia and Liam


I just wish they told proper origin stories of all these supernatural beings...


Scott’s alpha strength is really inconsistent from season 4 onwards. That’s on the writers though. Liam is really strong because it is a full moon and he is really angry. My biggest peeve about this episode is 15 year old assassins.


I love this season, but it does get a bit confusing


I’m really excited about the next episodes :)


"The bite is a gift..." hahahaha Scott taking a page out of Derek's book from season 1 kills me EVERY time


If you want more intensity from Jeff Davis, I recommend watching Criminal Minds😂😂 (seriously though Criminal Minds is one of my all-time favorite shows)


I get why you get super annoyed at Scott and his alpha strength but im pretty sure its because he does not give in to his "powers". In this episode i think it had more to do with the fact that it was the full moon and he was trying to keep calm and to stay under control. The full moon does effect him too even tho he is an alpha. For me personally i interpreted it as Scott does not want to be a werewolf. He has accepted it but if someone where to give him a chance to have normal life and not be a werewolf, then i think he would take it. Thats just what i feel like i get from him so far.