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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Arrow Season 1






What is happening in flashbacks in Hong Kong plays a key with what is going on now so gotta know that. Even the characters are key as you seen two were already was used. It may be boring but it is important to the storyline. S3 is my favorite and everything that is happening in Hong Kong will make sense in future episodes.


I think that happens most of the time with the flashbacks here. They are kinda meh in the beginning but really pay off towards the end of the season, like with Slade and Shado in S2.

Ted Cali

Yes yes, we must always trust Nice Guy Malcolm Merlyn, the mass-murdering terrorist psychopath with hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths on his hands, including that of his own son... wait what. o_O Oliver not thinking to heat the ink is the start of my least favorite part of S3 and S4 - they really have to go out of their way to nerf Oliver in order to justify the others on the team being there. And the China flashbacks aren't the best, but I like them a lot. Shows you how Oliver became a cold-blooded killer, contrasting with the hero he's trying to be in the present. Wait 'til S4 for the actual pointless flashbacks.

Staton Chapman

Yea the flash backs do have an important part later on in my opinion