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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Season 1



Season 2




Season 3





Victoria Chinaka

cant wait til you get to the end of the season !!

Valencia Lanier

So Lane is loosely based off one of the production crew and the creator’s friend. Helen Pai is her name I believe. Dave was loosely based off Helen’s husband.

Michel Stephany Garces

Emily did go to school, Richard and her met at Yale but she never really study anything that she was really passionate about because she always knew that she wanted to be a wife and a mother more than a working woman... I think the purpose of the apple was just to show that Richard has been really distant in their relationship, he hasn't been paying attention to her or anything she does so Emily kinda feels unappreciated, like she is not worth anything and realizes she hasn't done anything for herself or anything really valuable (that's why in the cafeteria at the mall when Lorelai talks about how much she is doing she is like "WOW and look at me, I have done nothing"), that scene kinda make me cry, I really do like Emily she is great even if sometimes her believes and attitudes are a bit over the top, she is iconic so like seeing her suffer like that really pained me...Anyways, about Dean, you ask what he wants? Welp I think he just wants Rory lol, he hasn't gotten over her and I think he just got married in an effort to move on but it's just not working and what is making it worse is the fact that his wife's family is not what he expected, so yeah things aren't looking so good in the long run. Hmm, about Lane's mother and relatives hahah, YESS there are parents like that in real life (especially those who are really religious sometimes), I know some myself and it's kinda depicted too on-point (lowkey gives me flashbacks). Anyways, I really love that we are seeing more of Lane now and you will see more of her in future episodes, some people don't necessarily love her storyline but though I think she does deserve better, having in mind she isn't technically a main character I think they did okay with her :) can't wait to see what you think for future episodes to come.. (I'M SORRY FOR THIS LONG COMMENT)

PamPam and her PamPams

Not entirely true, Emily studied History at Smith college and she loved it . She was always gonna be a wife though like you said. So she never actually did anything with her degree.

Mariella Nilsson

Rory, you are never going to attract a man looking like that!😂😂