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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Season 2




Season 1



Daniel R

Smh Hayley


Okay... Haley is working with Shane they have orchestrated two massacres of 12 people at the Young farm and now 12 hybrids. The show told us last episode that witches can channel power from mass deaths, it's called Expression. Haley lied to Tyler and helped the other hybrids break the sire bond and plot against Klaus, knowing that when Klaus found out he'd slaughter them. The scene before the massacre was Haley telling him about the hybrids plan cause she wanted him to kill them all and he didn't disappoint. Klaus does NOT know about this plan they were using him because who the hell else is going to be able to kill 12 hybrids at once. Damon and the sire bond.... there is no set thing he has to say. It CAN'T be broken as far as they know. The only thing sending Elena away does is keep her from following Damon's orders or doing things she thinks he wants her to do. Sending her away is just a bandaid while they look for a way to cure her which would break the sire bond cause it only formed when she turned into a vampire.


Stefan's mad cause Damon slept with Elena... Caroline failed to mention that it was BEFORE Damon knew Elena was sired to him. I took that scene as Stefan thinking Damon took advantage of Elena (even though this is crazy, Damon would never do that to Elena)


This for me is the best vampire diaries episode. That entire segment starting from hayley and tyler, and ending with klaus killing carol...is just a masterpiece


Like someone else said above...you need to connect the info you get in each episode. We heard about "expression" last episode where a witch can channel massive levels of dark magic if they sacrifice 12 people on a certain night. So Shane orchestrated that with Hayley's help. Klaus was essentially used by Shane so that they had access to that magic. So Klaus kills Tyler's mom because of what he was planning. We know Klaus is vindictive. He daggers his own family when they "disappoint" him. He knew Carol was all Tyler had left and decided to kill her when he couldn't find him. Damon does something really unselfish here and sends Elena away from him even though it's the last thing he wants. He finally get the girl...and now he has to send her away. He technically could tell her not to love him anymore, but that would also be a violation to Elena. Remember...Elena loved him before she was a vampire and admitted as much. He still hopes there is a way to break the sire bond or find some solution, so he sends her away from him and tells her it's what he wants. Stefan didn't know Damon and Elena were that serious. It was that she slept with him, but even he phrased it as "how together are they?" He deep down still hopes to win her back at this point. That's why he's going through all this effort to find her the cure. He didn't think Elena would jump into a relationship with Damon, so when he found out they had slept together...he kind of lost it. Everything he is doing right now in the show centers around Elena still...so to find out that she took another step away from him was tough. You're right in that everyone is a villain really. No one on this show comes off as a 100% good person. I'm a person that normally needs one or two good people to root for, so I can understand if you don't like that about the characters. However, know that as time goes on...these characters evolve. Some might become better and some may get worse. Give the show some time. This show is pretty good with character growth. This is also why I find it funny when people try to argue one character or another on the show is good or evil. They kind of all are both good and evil. That's kind of people in real life though. The characters on this show put their family/friends/loved ones first and will kill/hurt other innocents if they need to in order to do it.


Right?!? Combined with that song it is freaking amazing. I never fail to be wowed with this episode. Especially since I've seen both TO and TVD and know how the characters are in both. It gives even more gravity to what happened in this episode. Sometimes I think TVD and TO are better on rewatches than even the first viewing because you truly get the gravity of certain scenes more knowing how things turn out.


Exactly what I see the sire bond thing as too. It's also that telling her not to love him would be a violation considering she loved him before she was a vampire. So that would be using the sire bond to manipulate emotions we know she has. Doing it this way leaves her emotions intact and will remove the issue of the sire bond since she isn't around Damon.

Nikita Pascari

Theres no good or bad, just shades of gray. Real dark grey and very light grey, just like real life. I think this episode was a high 8 - low 9, the actor who plays Klaus mentioned the fountain scene was one of his favourites to film. I love the line he gives when he says "there is a moment where we literally hold their life in our hands before we rip it out" and there he is holding Tyler's mother's head under the water. Theres a kind of symmetry to that xD

I Am Not Chamari

I have a couple of things to say,,, but I'm sensing this will be a long comment. not sure that I agree that Damon always lies to Stefan. If anything, he's been REALLY honest to Stefan over the seasons and has constantly defended Stefan when it comes to Elena. Sure, Damon is selfish, but telling Elena to go away and not be around him, means that as long as Elena and Damon aren't around each other/talk to one another, the sire bond is pretty irrelevant. Damon telling Elena that he should no longer love him would be a gross misuse of the sire bond, especially since we know that she loved him when he was human. From what we know so far about the sire bond, it's pretty obvious that Elena still has free will outside of what Damon specifically tells her to do and MAYBE what she thinks Damon would want her to do, although the latter would be too hard to test. This lets me know that she really does love him and wants to be with him. Damon telling her to go away, while noble, in my opinion, is a violation of her choice. Stefan is always one to talk about Elena's choice, but is certainly fine with taking her choice away under this circumstance. He just ends up looking like the sore loser with his little temper tantrum. Also, why is it such a surprise that Damon slept with Elena? Stefan left them there, alone, in their house, knowing that they both have feelings for each other. In 3x19, Stefan mentions to Elena that he doesn't need to know what happened in Denver... They very well could have had sex then and Stefan would have excused it. More thoughts: Klaus killing those hybrids is nothing short of epic! Caroline feeding into this narrative that Damon is the Big Bad taking advantage of Elena in this situation continues to be annoying. We all know her history with him. That isn’t her problem here. Her problem is that Stefan isn’t happy and she wants him to be happy with Elena. We know that Damon didn’t send Elena away initially. So, yeah, he lied to Stefan. But Elena is the one that invited him to go to the lake house. And they were there in service of Jeremy. (And without Damon there, Jeremy’s reprogramming would have failed). Caroline telling Stefan was so completely selfish, especially because it’s not like he deserved to know, or anything. All this does is create a narrative that Elena’s vampirism/the sire bond is the only reason why she’s with Damon, when we know that her relationship to Stefan has shifted dramatically and they don’t really make sense together anymore. Also, Bonnie knows about the sire bond, knows that Damon and Elena slept together and was completely fine with both of them being there, which only makes me even more annoyed with Caroline because it's not like Bonnie has super positive feelings toward Damon either. But she clearly didn't see anything wrong with it.

Andrea Dcosta

Libby pretty much covered what I wanted to say about what Damon told Elena and the klaus situation. Klaus killing these hybrids is the best thing I’ve seen it’s shot so well and he looks badass doing it and with the music Wow it’s just insane. Feel terrible for carol and Tyler though :(( At the end with the TVD logo in this episode if u see again instead of the drop of blood dripping it’s a snowflake that’s falls off it’s so beautifully done and very symbolic of this episode and with klaus since we see him paint a snowflake- which Caroline mentions as well and klaus says is my painting that literal 😁


If a sire bond doesn't change how you feel or modify your emotions toward someone, then it wouldn't work for him to tell Elena to stop loving him or do anything else concerning her emotions... this will come back later in what I Have decided is the most misunderstood scene of the series. Or maybe they meant it like that but we'll come back to this later.

Shaun Kemmer

yep did not like how caroline is saying stuff thats not her place to say.


I agree! I think Damon is honest with Stefan too...sometimes to a fault actually. His honesty usually gets him in trouble. He'd also have no reason to lie to Stefan. Damon usually does what's best for Elena even if it hurts him. A lot of the time he does what's best for Stefan as well. I also had no issue with Damon/Elena sleeping together so soon. Why? They had been building up to this for seasons. It didn't come out of left field. In season 3 she'd admitted that she loved Damon too. Stefan knew that. He'd even sent them on a road trip together so Elena could figure things out. However, always before her feelings for Stefan were there to stop anything from happening. When they finally hook up...she is free to do what she wants for the first time in the series and she does. What did bother me about the scene is them interspersing the Caroline/Stefan sire bond reveal in. This changed the context of them being together and essentially makes it "wrong" when it really wasn't for the characters. This annoyed me when the show had built toward this for seasons only to now turn around and say it's wrong. Like you said...it serves to create a narrative and Damon/Elena are together only because of the sire bond, which past seasons doesn't support. Caroline kind of annoyed me here. She's almost being a little like season 1 Caroline. I get why she feels the way she does. It also makes sense for her character since she is kind of controlling. However, it isn't her place to decide who Elena dates.


Never caught the snowflake at the end! Nice!

Other Boy Reactions

It never made sense that Damon was allowed to tell Charlotte to move on but not Elena. It may have been a “violation” of Elena’s emotions but he did it to Charlotte who was just as in love with Damon as Elena was. That witch said a person can only be sired to a vampire if they loved the vampire BEFORE they turned. That means Charlotte’s love for Damon was real just like Elena’s. The only difference is that Damon loves Elena back. It’s a double standard that is almost never brought up because people want to see the two characters together, but it is what is I guess😂


OR Maybe it's not because people "just want to see them together" or some other shallow reason. It's never brought up cause that's not what happened. It's not about him being "allowed" to tell her to move on. Damon can't change Elena's or Charlotte's emotions. That's the whole point, it affects how you ACT not how you feel. Think back to when Tyler bit Caroline. He told Klaus he wouldn't do it. Tyler was angry at Klaus but then he still bit Caroline. So many people missed the point of that whole scene with Charlotte. IT's to show us what the sire bond can and cannot do. He tells her (paraphrasing) "if you want to make me happy you'll move on. You'll forget about me and find someone new" She is still crying cause she loves him so telling her that didn't just instantly make her not love him. Then he says "stop crying" and she stops (the act of) crying. Then she says she's never going to forget about him and Damon says "yes you will and I won't be happy until you realize you're never going to have the life that you deserve if I'm in it" Damon gets up and leaves and then it goes back to Charlotte who starts crying again clearly showing her feelings for him haven't changed. He sent her away on a more permanent basis cause he didn't want to be with her, not cause he was or wasn't "allowed" to. Damon didn't say anything like "stop loving me" that would change an emotion and even if he did it wouldn't have worked. The only thing he did was tell her to go away basically. Like any common "break up". He later tells Elena to go home. He doesn't tell her to stop caring/ loving him and again it wouldn't work anyhow. He sends her away as a bandaid until they can find a more permanent solution. If she's not in the vicinity then she is not doing things he tells her to do or in ways that she thinks Damon wants.

saydez w

True but he still had a right to know if nobody was going to tell him then she would to me its nasty to sleep with someone's brother its nastier for a brother to sleep with an ex of his brother

saydez w

Idk I think people are missing things like what kind of girlfriend sleeps with her ex boyfriend brother like you don't do that im sorry elena and damon are trash for that also didn't damon die at 23 or 34 what type of grown man goes after after 17 year old