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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



You are absolutely not wrong. This episode was perfection.


The best episode.

Zoe Hart

By some regarded as one of the best in the series. It was different and great acting by Liz but doesn't crack my top 10.


ngl simmons has never be my favorite character in the show, but I have always loved this episode.

Stefan Davis

Ahhhh man this definitely was not a filler this just adds way more depth to Fitz-Simmons....they are both just too good I 100% anything related to them is always goings to be perfect because it looks so natural and genuine.....it’s just great stuff man!!!


I think it’s my favorite eps because I love Simmons, and I love survival stories (love the movie Castaway which you haven’t seen 😱). When you add SciFi to a survival story I love it even more. This ep reminds me of the movie The Martian, which is one of my favorite movies, but this ep hits harder because I’m so emotionally invested in the character of Simmons (and her and Fitz 🥰)

Katherine Thoreson

I know it's been a while since you watched this one, but the bottle smashing on the ground disrupted the ground just enough to send those few sand particles back through the portal which gave Fitz everything he needed to figure out how to get her back. He didn't need a note. 😊 Fitzsimmons' date at the restaurant they had wine, and Jemma started crying. She did that because having wine, albeit bad wine, with Will was the last thing she did with him. 😔 Elizabeth Henstridge is great. She has her own YouTube channel, and she seems just as lovely in real life as she does as Jemma Simmons. This is a great episode and so daring to stop all the forward momentum of the main storyline and go back in time to see what Jemma went through in detail. But I completely agree with you that it's one of those things that you don't realize you need until you see it. I give this episode a 10.