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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Nan A

Definitely one of my favorite episodes. And even though he appears briefly, Vulcan Simmons is my top five creepy people who have appeared on Castle for me. We always get a few serious episodes every season and they increase in frequency from now on....second half of season 3 and season 4 are some of the more serious seasons of Castle..so you have those to look forward to in the near future..


It's a ten for me too. For me everything about Beckett's mother is just extremely interesting. Not just the mystery of how she died but what it does to Beckett, Castle and the team as well. I love how Castle stepped up and proved himself as her partner this episode. And ofc the torture scenes with Ryan and Esposito - they will never give up their team and I love that.

Jordan Haddow

Great reaction. I love Castle, including the funny light episodes. These ones, the serious ones though, are on a whole other level. Obviously the chemistry between them is great, and the acting is great, and as episodes like this one show, the writing is great. A lot of people downplay the show for its comedy, but it knows how to drop it and get serious. Props to Jonathan Adams who plays Vulcan Simmons. Such an epic character and scene. So good. And then there's the kiss. They keep teasing us terribly with them and their heat. Yet they keep using bad timing, fear of the other's reaction, and relationships with other people to keep them apart. Still, here we got that perfect scenario that finally allowed a kiss to break through.