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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



did the link work for you? it took me to the other episode instead🤔


Vimeo link is actually 3x13


This episode was good and now it’s time for the start that we’ve all been waiting for😏 i’m so excited!

Stefan Davis

Your talking about Deatons sister Morrell she was an Emissary for the Alpha pack......


Aiden: I thought we were helping. Ethan: you help too much. Ethan was saying that Aiden was going overboard when he was beating Scott


the ending still gets me excited everytime


The ending, man <3 They're here haha. This is where all the "fun" begins. oh god, oh god, he's not ready :( Who agrees with me? :D And we would loved, if you will do double drop for this season sometimes, please :( the wait is too long :(


Good episode, these slow-motion are really annoying, in a scene where there is action, slow down every 5 sec to show him running or landing, in short, slow-motion passages unnecessary, it makes the action less intense. They should do this infrequently and in specific scenes to reinforce the importance of a moment. In short. Good episode, they all closed the door but a new threat arrives, what is it, that is the question.


It's like 4 episodes each month, it's low but I also get he has others shows and a life outside of this. I just hope if he can give us more episodes, he will.

Amanda Winner

Gotta give it a 10, because of the return of Braeden, the Stydia moment, the emotional moments with Malia at the end and each of the 3 having to focus to get things done. Also Kira is so precious.

Tendai kangas

I think it's a 9 or an 8, It's a good episode, but it is meant for a lot of set up and kinda a filler episode

Crystal Laherrere

You’re thinking of Morrel, Deatons sister. My favorite moments are Isaac screaming in pain and Scott feeling it and Scott’s Alpha roar. Stiles is definitely number one, with the panic attacks and so much emotion in his eyes and face it’s amazing.

messiah waite

the only thing I don't understand about this episode is the explanation to where Malia has been all these years. Mr. Tate is gonna want to know and so is scott's dad


Just you wait! For me, the first 2 episodes of 3B are a bridge of sorts between 3A and the rest of 3B. The next episode is what I consider the "real start" because the vibe kind of shifts a bit.


Braeden and Kira are amazing.