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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



she is called daisy because in the comics her name is daisy johnson aka quake she is a real comic book character unlike the rest of the cast who was created for the show she actually exists in the comics and this is her origin story for the show

Stefan Davis

Yea I think everyone would agree anything with Fitz-Simmons is GOLD!!!!!


Iain and Lil deserved an Emmy (in you words the Oscar for TV) multiple times during the run of the show and it's a crime they didn't get one. not even a nomination. FitzSimmons will for sure continue to give the most outstanding performances. absolutely love every single bit about it and hope you will too :)


Iain is criminally underrated. I was once put on medication for migraines that had the super fun side effect of completely blunting any emotional response I may have had to damn near anything, and it was only watching his performance in a few episodes that actually broke through and made me feel human at all. (I don't recommend living where your only emotional response is to a TV show, but I was definitely grateful to finally feel something).