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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Chastity Deatherage

Glad you liked this one. I was kinda thinking it might not be one you'd enjoy because of the alien thing. I'm not really into alien storylines or shows but you are right...they made it interesting. I am always interested when Castle and Beckett are on my screen though 😊. There are some really great episodes ahead but we do have a few more "regular" episodes before we get to them. Thanks again for your reaction, I really enjoy watching with ya!

Jason Usher

Great reaction, I really liked this episode, also I personally think that it’s impossible(arrogant) for humans to say there is no other life in space, being as earth is a microscopic dot in a massive amount of universe

DJ Doena

For those who missed it: When Castle was speaking Chinese and Beckett asks him "Semester abroad?" and he replies "No, a TV show I used to love". This is a reference to Firefly where they spoke Chines, especially when cursing. ;-)