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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Great reaction, I always liked the mystery of this episode. excited to see more reactions. Also do u know what day you will uploading haunting of hill house..your up to a great part of the story and I’m trying to patiently wait but I just love ur reactions to it so much I can’t wait to see more lol

Sade L.

I think all your questions will be answered in due time 👌🏾

Tendai kangas

Sage is very misogynistic damn, but yeah the plot will thicken

Daniel R

Waiting for when the shit hits the fan lol


Great reaction as always! I wanna clear up why Damon didn't just feed him bloodbags though ... Stefan needs to learn how to control his bloodlust especially around normal people. If he goes from not drinking any human blood to bloodbags, it would just make it more likely that his hunger is even bigger around normal humans (bc the more human blood you drink, the more you want more of it) .. so Damon was trying to teach him to feed on humans without killing them, so that when he is among normal people he is more in control of what he's doing .. ofc Stefan and Damon both drink mostly from bloodbags, but Damon has learned how to drink from humans without killing them first and that means when he's now in a room with people his hunger is more in control bc he knows he could go after it without killing anybody - Stefan never learned how to do that.

Andrea Dcosta

Trust the plot and go ahead with it. It’s all leading up to something huge you shall see soon 😁 Well Damon’s method may look fucked up but that’s the best way for him to help Stefan. He needs to control on having blood from humans from the vein so that with him being around humans he doesn’t end up just killing ppl. Drinking from blood bags will make no sense remember in season 1 he continued having from blood bags but still couldn’t control while drinking from a human. He just tells Damon sometime earlier at the bar that yes I’m going crazy I’m waiting to eat the whole waiter staff. So what Damon did there was necessary if he didn’t Stefan would end up killing probably 10 times more people and gotten worse for him. Yes it looks fucked up but that was the only way to help Stefan and he knew what happened in 1912 so Damon didn’t want that to happen to Stefan again this time around he had to help his brother. I love their relationship so soo much more than any ship in the show....

Fly on the Wall

No, Stefan never does. He always finds a new excuse to fall off the wagon and begin a new ripper binge. He's the only vampire that can't drink human blood. Stefan even tried to teach Care the vegan only diet, but she didn't need it. She probably moderates herself on human blood better than anyone. You just need to learn moderation.

Daniel R

The actress who plays Sage I remember from Smallville, you got some ways to go until you meet her Steven, idk what else she's been in tbh

Sade L.

Also, when Damon was mocking Stefan and said “A chipmunk asked me my name today, I told him it was Joe. That lie will haunt me forever” easily one of the funniest things Damon has said lmao

Shaun Kemmer

Bonnie's mom is not going to be a vampire and a witch. It was explained when Rebekah was telling Elena about her family's past that a witch is a servant of nature, a vampire is an abomination of nature, you can't be both. When the Originals were turned into vampires they stopped being witches. Same thing will happen to Bonnie's mom.

nakyrah johnson

Damon said he killed Samantha Gilbert, but they didn't know that she had the family ring to bring her back to life.

Therese Larsen

Can you please not look at your phone during reactions? It feels like you’re not really paying attention, like you’re not really reacting or being present. Sometimes you look down so long that you miss a couple of things and then get confused afterwards. I really like your reactions, but I would really appreciate it if you would not use your phone, at least press pause if you have to, so that you don’t miss anything. Sorry if I seem rude, I don’t mean to, but it’s just been bugging me a little lately.


I feel the same way! I actually got frustrated, because he asked if Rick got his ring back and then looked at his phone while they were showing the ring at 31:55. I really enjoy his reactions, but this makes me feel like he thinks the show is borring... I'm not trying to be rude either, but I pay good money for this, haha!


Thank You for bringing this up....reactions is what we pay for....we can always just go on netflix and just watch it.