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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I am happy that you are enjoying this show and since this is one of my favorite series of all-time, I am just re-watching it with you so the show will get better! Season 1 is an amazing series but it gets even better. Also, this was the turning point episode of Tony, and don't worry, many people thought that Tony was the bad guy at the beginning with the certain looks he gave. However, Tony and Nina's teamwork in this episode was amazing to watch. I loved Teri reaction when she first saw Rick since I am not a fan of Rick in general even though they are trying to write him better now, it doesn't erase the nonsense he and his friend pulled hours earlier. Jamey being the inside person was shocking because she was the one who Richard Walsh trusted. Richard told Jack to not trust anyone, even his own people but he trusted Jamey and she's the one to turn out bad? SMH. Oh and by rank of the CTU employees it goes: Jack Nina Tony In episode 1x07, Tony reminded Jamey of that when he asked her to play back security footage from Jack's office. Jamey said she wasn't authorized to do that but Tony said with Jack and Nina not around, he's highest rank.