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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Love El, she is so nice with the guys and badass. Can't wait for the next ep

Crystal Laherrere

I always felt that when Jonathan goes after Steve and then later Florence (Hoppers secretary) tells Nancy only love makes you that crazy, if you think back it’s when Steve is insulting Jonathan’s mom. Jonathan might like Nancy but what really sets him off (and he’s been through a lot lately) is having this douchebag Steve just go in on his family and I love that he fights back so hard. I don’t think Eleven purposely opened the portal. Dr. Brenner told her to make contact with the creature (why? Who knows) but when she touched it and it reacted I think she was so terrified she just unleashed a huge amount of power that allowed the monster to find where she is. It’s not like Eleven has been opening portals in Joyce’s house I think that’s a power from the monster. Another awesome reaction. You can rate all the episodes high if that’s what you feel. I think my worst rating for any of the episodes of the entire series would still be an 8. Go with what you feel. Sorry for the long post I just really love this show and I am really enjoying watching it again with you.

Kacey Caldwell

I completely agree with you about Jonathan and Steve's fight. Steve was fighting about Nancy but Jonathan tried to walk way. Steve had to call Jonathan gay, say he was like his dad, mentioned his mother and he broke right after Steve mentioned his brother. So for Jonathan, Nancy was maybe what 5% of what this fight was. So in a way Florence was right. The fight was about love but it was Jonathans love for his family, not Nancy.

Crystal Laherrere

Kacey 100%. Jonathan is such an interesting character. He starts off kinda a creeper, there is no malice in his actions though and thankfully admits he’s wrong, but he’s the stable force in his family. He seems unsure at school but you learn from Joyce that he has goals, he wants to go to college, but he so deeply wants to be there for his mom and brother I wouldn’t be surprised if he sacrificed everything for them and he would have no second thoughts or bitterness about it.