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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



This was one of my favorite episodes of glee because my sister is developmentally delayed so i kept imagining myself in Sue's position such amazing show.

Whitney McGriff

The only good thing I liked about this episode is Santana and Mercedes solos lol.. And Shue is definitely biased towards Rachel, not just Jesse... it's either Rachel gets a solo or no one gets one smh.

Mark Wood

On Jessie, clearly he has feelings for Rachel, and yes they cloud his judgment, but in fairness every critique he gave is 100% valid. Santana's voice is excellent for that song (and type of song), but she should have gone deeper into the true emotion of the song. Kurt's voice is well suited for the musical styles of the 50's and 60's musicals of the time, but he doesn't hold a candle to how the song should be sung. And Mercedes is a girl who can really sing (she has a spectacular voice), but the show has a history of showing her not perform what you would call well rehearsed materials. Could the actress, absolutely (girl has seriously large talent). With Rachel, from literally the first episode, we are shown that singing is her life, that she practices, she rehearses that's the biggest part of her life (and it's a smart way of showing the some of the difference between Mercedes and Rachel). On the issue of choreography, if you are going to use it, use it well. Santana's stage movement is probably the smoothest of the group, Kurt's was the largest, but also not smooth at all going from one part to the next. Mercedes was on the stage just feeling the music (often what good performers do in live, but not staged performances, which is how she described her performance). While Rachel's was a standard stand fairly still, sing, and put the heart of the song, it's emotional core in your face, shoulders and arms. Simple, it's true, but it's also quite well focused. And it works well for the type of song she performed.

Mrs Payne

I can’t wait for you to react to Season 3 jahsbhsjakaak

I Am Not Chamari

The interesting thing about the whole "auditions thing" is that those four performances were stellar. Rachel did a PHENOMENAL job, but yes, it's clear that Jesse and yes, Will, have a bias towards Rachel. I think it's absolute blatant anti-blackness to sit here and call Mercedes "lazy," especially after that performance. This whole narrative of "she doesn't rehearse" that was written into her character is pure foolishness. Not to mention that the whole idea of "choreography" is absolutely silly. This is just an audition - no one needs to prepare full blown choreography to match their audition. This was all just simply frustrating and shows what the Glee Club actually values which is standard Broadway vocal style. Rachel does it exceptionally well, but it's tiring for the show to keep telling us she's the best singer and deserves it because she works the hardest.

Aaron Lopez

Well I think Rachel does deserve it not because she works the hardest but because she is the best! ⭐️


Did you watch rocky horror, hate on me, the boy is mine, bust your windows, proud Mary, lean on me, crazy in love, express yourself, 4 minutes, like a prayer, beautiful, Empire State of mind, river deep mountain high, start me up, dog days, Blame it on the alcohol, hell to the no, And born this way? All rehearsed songs and big numbers with choreography that Mercedes killed. The narrative that Mercedes is lazy and not as good as a performer as Rachel is bogus and it was not smart. Being lazy and not wanting to work for what you want is a huge anti black stereotype and they should never have gone down that path.


This episode is so frustrating with the auditions. Yes, I love Rachel and she is an amazing performer, but she is not better than Mercedes. They knew that there was no reason for Rachel to be the star of the glee club over Mercedes so they pushed the narrative that Mercedes is lazy and Rachel gets everything because she works harder and is a better overall performer. We didn’t buy that when the show was airing and we don’t buy it now. There are countless examples of Mercedes working hard and doing rehearsed numbers with choreography and killing it. Whether Mercedes or Rachel is the best is subjective. People always have and will always argue over this because it just comes down to what your personal taste is. However, the fact of the matter is, is that this is a show about a CHOIR. It shouldn’t have been about one person. They really spent all this time pitting Rachel and Mercedes against each other when instead they could have been working together and killing it. Most of my favorite glee songs are songs that feature both Mercedes and Rachel. I agree that the competition between them made for some good TV but it got old after a while.

Mark Wood

Still to long. Of course Mercedes has done staged performances, she's been in two groups that do staged performances. But a lot of the other material we see isn't. And can be broke down into three types. Performances like "Bust your windows" which didn't happen. That's just a visual metaphor for her feelings (the show does this a lot). Then you have the performances that are done in the moment. Hate on Me wasn't staged. This episodes performance wasn't staged. Beautiful wasn't staged. We know River Deep and very likely The Boy is Mine was staged (up to the fight) and done without others help, besides Santana. Express yourself is the type of performance that is group three. A song that starts one place, clearly not rehearsed and then shown in wardrobe clearly rehearsed. Rationally I have a hard time treating those as a real (in universe" performance as everything in the episode couldn't happen within the 5 day school week time frame (and yeah, I do look at shows anally like that, just my personality). So I judge on what is clearly staged numbers (good examples from your list would be Rocky Horror, 4 minutes, Empire State of Mind, Born this way are some of the examples. I find nothing poor about her performances in any of these, but I also don't see her as the top tier here either.

Mark Wood

Now part of your opinion (is one I absolutely agree with) is what type of story elements they put to Mercedes and if it was a good choice. First the idea that you recognize that this was the choice of the production, proves my defense of Jessie's view. It doesn't matter if we wished they treated the character different in the eyes inside that world. But for us, of course, it can annoy, and even piss us off. And unfortunately the show used a lot of stereotypes (and many not positive ones) for their characters. Jewish girl whose driven and self absorbed? Check. Gay kid trying to convert straight kid? Check. Blonde girl, whose clueless? Check. Gay adult, whose a predator? Check. Latina girl whose a hot head? Check, ect, ect, ect. Ugghhh on all of it.

Mark Wood

But for the show, for the characters in it's universe, not looking from the outside. Jessie's views are valid. Some of Mercedes great performances have been performances that are done in the moment. Where you just let the song take you where it takes you. That's perfectly valid type of performance. Jessie studied in a school that based on everything we have seen, probably didn't put any stock into that style. They focused on hard driven laser focused choreography. Everything planned out, nothing done on the fly. That is also a completely valid performance style. Both can get you excellent performances, and both have their strength and weaknesses. Almost all my training has focused more on planned out heavily rehearsed material, but also open to using the emotion and feelings of the moment. That's my personal preference, but I can't see that at this stage being Jessies. And the show has within it's universe made a point of showing how Rachel has some of that you rehearse the hell out of it, outlook in her. And the show has had dialogue telling us that Mercedes doesn't always go down that route. SO that's what Jessie sees. He see a girl with a great voice, but not someone who is going to absolutely be counted on to put in what he thinks is the prep for the role. And we see Will state that he thinks differently. But the show has certainly given us small nuggets that within the show, that's he might be right. And of course since he did go to the school for a couple months he isn't just judging her solely on this. Again this is all how in this universe the character of Jessie would see Mercedes. This has nothing to do with what we wished the producers allowed Amber Riley to bring to the character of Mercedes, at this point.


I just think they all have different singing styles, which are all great individually. It simply depends on which style is more your thing .. that's why I don't like that they're constantly acting as if Santana, Mercedes and Kurt weren't just as good as Rachel, they just sing in a different style than her.


Im sorry but I have to laugh, why are you explaining the depths of jesses mind so hard its not that deep when the only reason he picked rachel and not the other 3 is because he has a thing for her and want's her back therefore wanting to please her and pick her for this. It has nothing to do with her "working harder" than mercedes, santana and kurt. Please, give me a break she just stood there singing not moving it was nothing special sorry to break it to you. i know a lot of people enjoy my man and that is valid, but don't sit there praising her for standing on stage not moving and singing while the others were either doing something similar or dancing around stage, rachel isn't better than any of them and Jesse has a clear bias and that is the truth. Also fuck the narrative that mercedes is lazy because its fucking anti black and not true at all, her performances are fantastic and she isn't lazy, she moves more on stage than rachel does smh

Mark Wood

I have to disagree about Beautiful. Yes clearly Mercedes decided she wasn't going to do the performance that the Cheerios would have rehearsed, no question there. And clearly Kurt didn't know what was going on, and when he asked Brittany, she gave the hunch sign, that is generally taken as I don't know. So either Brittany is deceiving Kurt for some reason, or she also didn't know. Meaning the ladies just jumped in on the fly and went with it. Now the question is. Do you think that Mercedes, after she decided to make her point, went out to the gym court, and practiced where she would take the mic stand, get her speech prepared and where to look at, and rehearse that song? I personally would assume she learned the song (or new it), and an idea of what she wanted to say, went in saw how the crowd was formed and picked her spot (based off of the original planned point) and went with it. Of course that's just my opinion. But it wouldn't have been easy to rehearse and stage that performance without others knowing about it. But it is possible. Again I don't disagree that I think Amber Riley could have played a far more important role in the show. Part of that was very likely from producers, but also part (a huge part of cast development past the first 8 or ten episodes) is about the feedback the producers get from fans. It's why the adult cast was pretty much removed outside of a handful, didn't play well with the audience, and its way characters like Santana, Brittany, Mike and Kurt's characters all exploded (some faster than others) over the length of the series. And the show wasn't ever designed as a full ensemble. The show was designed with 4 lead characters. Will, Sue, Rachel and Finn, then a group of supporting characters, like Emma, Terri, Kurt, Artie, Mercedes, Puck, Quinn and Tina, and then bit characters like Santana, Brittany, Mike, Terri's sister, Sandy, and Ken. The show was not ever designed to give equal time in character or performance, it just wasn't. And you could see how over even the first two years we are at, how much that list changed, primary and reoccurring cast dropped, some bit players with heavily expanded roles, some supporting characters moving up closer to lead status, and some supporting characters dropping down to almost reoccurring status. That's the nature of tv production.

Mark Wood

Michelle, did you miss the part that where I stated that Jessie had his personal bias? It's literally the first statement I typed out. And realistically everyone has personal bias. I like Kurt the best out of the characters, and my trained musical opinion is his was easily the weakest vocal performance, and the least smooth physical performance. Santana who I think is the worst character, did a solid job, and had a really smooth stage performance, but I never felt the real heart of the song. Mercedes gave a great performance, she is in my opinion the superior voice (of course hearing both Lea and Amber perform live, really helped cement that opinion). I am not a Barbara fan and I am not a funny girl fan, but Rachel really hit that song, and staying put doesn't mean you haven't choreographed what you're doing or rehearsed it to death. Jessie can absolutely have personal bias and still believe everything he stated. One doesn't necessarily negate the other. His opinion fits with both what we know of him and where he went to school and trained, and how he personally feels. Heck when he is trying to get into her head, and sabotage the group the first thing he does is point out how her performance wasn't done well enough, even if she did have talent (or basic words to that effect). And it also plays into what he would have had the chance to experience when he was at school with them. Dialogue in the show, from both him, and from even people who like Mercedes more than Rachel back up what he thinks. And that was before he was trying to get back together with her. For example I am a bed wetting (figure of speech) die hard Star Trek fan back when I first watched it in the 60's and to this day I have a deep emotional connection to all forms of TV Star Trek. With that absolute and undeniable bias I can freely admit that 50% of it is crap. You can also be someone who has bias and is utterly blinded by it. Do you think if Jessie heard these performance's and wasn't wanting to date Rachel, he would have had a different opinion?


We’ll have to agree to disagree on beautiful because I think the look on brittany’s face when she shrugs is more of a “sorry we didn’t tell you look” and not an “I don’t know what’s going on” look. But I guess that’s just up to interpretation. But regardless, while what Jesse is saying about what is needed to win might be true, he has no ground to stand on by saying this is true with Mercedes. He himself has no evidence to back up his claims, and the performances he saw from both Rachel and Mercedes today, do not back up those claims. The show has not shown in any way that Mercedes does not work as hard or is not just as talented as Rachel. The only difference between them is that Rachel is willing to fight for her stardom, sometimes to a fault, while Mercedes has not been as confident to do that. Rachel even admits that in night of neglect. Jesse makes it clear and says so himself that he’s there to make things right with Rachel and only chose her for that reason. And as for the design of the show, this is why this season is my favorite because I feel like it has the best storylines and is the most balanced in terms of letting characters shine, and that’s why this season is the most successful season in terms of ratings and music sales. I can’t go into too much detail without spoiling but their treatment of Rachel and they way they handled her being they main character , not the fact that she was the main character but the way they handled her being the main character, ended up being the downfall of the show. Yes other issues factored into it, but the main issue people had was this.

Mark Wood

Chamari White-Mink. I love your point about how the show's producers (and thus Will for the in universe reason) favors a broadway style of music and presentation and I think that's fairly accurate. One its already material developed specifically for a live stage presentation. For any of us teachers it's just easier working with material that's already been staged for us to have a starting point. And broadway and standards (that are successful) tend to have a longer shelf life than a lot of pop music. It's hard as a teacher working with contemporary music as you are generally a little out of the loop for what you students are into (something the show has touched upon). And a song that could be huge one year, can be seen as a colossal embarrassment just a few years later, with people going why did we listen to that. And as for any competition level events, a lot of judges can have some fairly serious bias and not be willing to overlook it to be impartial (though some are excellent at this like they should be). I can remember back in the late 80's an student was doing a Beastie Boys piece for one of their 4 prepared assessment songs, And they four professors judging, and other students in the theatre, and you could clearly hear one of the professors harping on the fact that the singers selection (which they had one that could be their own choice of any style) was not appropriate because it was a rap piece. The performer was questioned about it, and calmly threw back, that they could do Opera performances with no issues, and a part and parcel of opera is the Recitative (rhythm spoken parts done with musical tone). Basically rap from hundreds of years ago. On the addition side I can say that at serious competitions or things like major parts in musical production (Hell even the yearly Pop concert we did) those that came fully prepared were the ones who made the cut. And that was also high school. And yes the show from the get go portrays Rachel as the star, because that's what the character was created as, before either actress was cast. Though at least from time to time they do point out that Mercedes is just as good a singer (heck even at times the superior). But the show has always portrayed Rachel as having the drive to match that talent, and that hasn't always been the case with Mercedes. I certainly wouldn't use Lazy to describe it someone who doesn't go to the same lengths as Lazy.

Mark Wood

Elizabeth, with Brittany since it's a gesture, I could easily be wrong, and you're right its something that could go either way. Remember Jessie has experience with these performers, more so then just those auditions. And also remember back when he first meet Rachel and unknown to her is deliberately trying to make a connection with her (for not so honest reasons) he told her that she lacked the emotional depth for her song "Don't rain on my parade". And yet still compliments her as being talented. And Jessie stated he came back to make it right with Rachel. And that he came here to let her know she got the part. Technically that doesn't mean He's making it right, so he made sure that Rachel got the part. Of course he could absolutely mean the two different statements are linked. But based on what we know about Jessie, I think he truly thanks Rachel is the person who clearly has both the talent, the drive, and the star potential. Regardless on that he likes her. Of course all three of those things are all subjective opinions by one person. If Jessie is being honest, and he meant what he said about Kurt, Santana, Mercedes and Rachel, again that's just his opinion, and it doesn't mean he's right. Thats what I took from the episode. A guy who has his personal bias, and wants to get together with Rachel, who also happens to feel about her and the others pretty much exactly what he stated.


I don't know I am kind of the opposite I guess and like you said its subjective but I always really liked Rachel and her voice but I hardly gave Mercedes a second thought watching the show through the first time. I mean she is a good singer I guess but if she was there one episode and not the next I wouldn't have even really cared. I like Santana and Kurt is ok but not really my style of singer.


Yes he has experience with them from the year before but he has not seen the work that they’ve done this year and how much they’ve grown as performers so his opinions about what he saw the year before should not have influenced him. Also this episode clearly shows that Jesse is not taking this seriously and has made his mind up from the beginning. His gestures to Rachel, doodling during Santana’s performance, and trying to turn it into a reality show. I do think that Jesse truly believes the things he’s said about Rachel. But when it comes to the others, while some may agree with his opinions, and some don’t, he’s clearly trying to push buttons. And even though he fully believes what he does about Rachel his ulterior motives make his job there a conflict of interests and is unprofessional. This glee club is full of stars and amazing performers and they work better as a unified team. Not being berated and pitted against each other. Which again, I’m pretty sure is the point of the episode.


finally a comment i agree with! they are both so extremely talented and i hate that people are like RACHEL IS BETTER THAN ALL OF THEM bc i personally don’t think so, i think we can all have our own opinions and there shouldn’t be a right answer on who’s the best


Mark Wood has to be on Lea Michele’s payroll. He really is doing the most. We all know she can’t read so she has old gays doing the hard work for her. Mr. Wood please, racist money isn’t worth it.

Mark Wood

Your comment is utterly beyond reproach. It's hateful, it's harmful, and its utterly without merit. Not only are you personally disparaging me as an individual, you're attacking a minority group. Whoever liked that comments is furthering hateful character attacks on a person you know next to nothing about and should be utterly ashamed by you're behavior, I want to know where I ever stated a single positive statement about Lea Michelle. Go ahead look. The closest comment I have ever made is that because she treats pretty much everyone terribly I don't know if you can call out specific attacks on persons as being driven by racism, versus being driven by her own ego. Both are pretty shitty things to do, and one is even more widespread than just based on a racial grouping. I have said positives about Amber Riley, in fact I stated she's the better singer. I've never followed the career of Lea, I have tried to watch everything Amber has done. I watched the live shows of the Wiz, and Little Mermaid, only because she was attached. I watched season 17 of Dancing with the stars (the only time I have watched a single full episode, let alone a full season of that show, only due to Amber being on it. I was incredibly happy to hear she has a new show in development that she serving as both producer and star. I've never followed Lea's career into anything. Period. No album, none of the two tv series she was a star on, nothing. Amber is literally one of only two performers on the show that I have ever tried to follow their entertainment career. Your comments are sickening. And notice, I am pissed, and yet I haven't named called. I have only directed my ire on what was typed or liked. I make no judgment on why your behavior happened. I can't know. How about you show a modicum of common curtesy and respond in kind.




Ummm hi, just came here to say stan Fizzy. I’m laughing


I'm pretty sure the actress who played Jean really did pass away btw


I thought Rachel or Santana solos were the best I felt the emotion in Rachel’s and I love how she sings it and Santana I just love her voice like you said how different it is I do love Mercedes tho

Tyler Browne

She died a little over a year ago. She was written off the show because she developed Alzheimer's, which is very common in people with Down's Syndrome, and could no longer play the role.


I personally liked Rachels the best. She gave so much emotion. And she has my favorite voice. Then Santana then Mercedes then Kurt.


In my eyes they are both equally talented. It's just different singing styles as mentioned in an earlier comment. It all depends on which style you prefer.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Obviously, the best Glee club Singers right now are Kurt, Mercedes and Rachel. However, I feel like Santana beats them all out. She’s just got that something extra. I’ve ALWAYS loved Santana’s voice above theirs. She’s my favourite singer in the entire show, including non Glee club members like Blaine, Sunshine Corazon and Jesse, whose voices I just adore.