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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Amanda Logsdon

Its funny, i grew up in San Antonio and if there is one event you learned about it was the Alamo, every school field trip, at least once a year, we would visit it.


I love this episode. We get to learn a little more about Flynn's personality & we get to see a reenactment of the Alamo. Not sure what they are teaching young people in school nowadays as I am from the east coast & I learned about the Alamo. This episode gives me the feels & is one of my favorite early episodes. Texas was a part of Mexico at this time & after everyone died at the Alamo their was a revolution & the territory became Texas.

Katy Ann

Texas was a part of Mexico, but during this time the Texans started a revolution. Santa Anna (the guy Flynn went to) was the general of the Mexican army who was trying to stop the rebellion. In our history, Santa Anna let the women, children, and some slaves go free, which is why Flynn was surprised and upset that Santa Anna had issued the order to kill everyone. The letter was delivered to the leader of the Texan army after the Alamo fell and inspired the people to fight Mexico. The Texan army planned a sneak attack on the Mexican camp shortly after the Alamo fell. They completely overran the Mexican army in less than an hour, and captured Santa Anna. Thus, the Republic of Texas was born. The Republic of Texas lasted as an independent nation for about 10 years. In that time the amassed a huge amount of debt which lead to them accepting an offer for statehood from the US. And adding Texas as a state sparked the Mexican-American war. The US would win that war. The treaty that ended that war established the current Mexican-American border along the Rio Grande, gave Texas to the US, and gave the US the land that would eventually become the states (or at least part) of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and Kansas. In effective, doubling the size of the US and in about 20 years would help cause the Civil War. In exchange we gave Mexico $15 million and forgave some debts.

Paul Fisher

Since others have already offered background on the Texas Revolution, I'll point out a small thing that might cause some confusion. The battle of the Alamo took place in 1836 but as you noticed, the rebel's flag bore the date "1824." That's because the rebels took the original Mexican flag and replaced the imperial eagle at the center of the flag with the "1824" as a reference to the Mexican Constitution of 1824 which guaranteed many rights to all Mexicans and which General Santa Anna destroyed when he declared himself absolute dictator (He called himself, "The Napoleon of the West.") They were originally fighting for a restoration of the constitution but it became a fight for independence. Since you mentioned you'd like to read about it, I'll mention that one of the classic books about the Alamo is "A Time to Stand" by Walter Lord. There are also many references in pop culture, like the John Wayne movie, "The Alamo" (maybe do a reaction to that?) and the song, "Ballad of the Alamo" by Marty Robbins. While I agree with the show that I would not expect Lucy to remember the exact words of Col. Travis' letter, I do think Wyatt would have known most of it since they established that he is from Texas. When I was in school in Texas, most kids had to memorize Travis' letter in 7th grade.