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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



One of my favorites


can’t wait for the next one😩 probably one of my favs of this season too even though i’ve said that to 5 different episodes


I actually don't have much to explain! You pretty much caught everything and laid it out perfectly. You're right about Scott. His job was to figure out where Derek and Julia were, but his mom shouldn't have gone alone to the roof. Did Julia plan to take Melissa from the start? I honestly don't know. That's something I never really thought about. It could've been a "since we're all here" moment or she, like Deucalion, is 10 steps ahead as well. I think it's *super* interested that all three stories we've learned about in this episode and the last happened around the same time/months apart (Paige's sacrifice, Deucalion going blind and Julia connecting with the nemeton). All three moments not only connected them then, but lead up to this moment roughly 15 years later. This season was when Teen Wolf really found itself and really started to push out amazing episodes. From Motel California to the end of 3A, all the episodes are *chef's kiss*. Only a couple episodes left and then we'll be at 3B. The rest of the seasons from here on out are split into part A and part B like this one is so it's essentially two seasons within a larger one. Can't wait for the next reaction. Take care!

Jayden Jones

I think they thought that turning on the backup generator would’ve been the least dangerous thing, bcuz the Alphas are after Julia and that’s where Derek is, and he would’ve been left alone to fight all of the Alphas to save her if they came to the elevator like how they thought they would but obviously they didn’t, bcuz Deucalion was listening the entire time and knew what their entire plan was. They thought that some of the Alphas would all just come to the elevator and some would go after the running Julia (only it was Allison) and Scott had to the elevator to help Derek and Julia fight the incoming Alphas. And yeah this season is definitely really good. Everyone’s always raving about 3B but 3A is really damn great. Not much to explain since you seem to have caught on to everything pretty good (for once lmaooo) and yeah this season is definitely when Teen Wolf started to find it’s footing and become a great show.

Nan A

Haha..me every episode this season ..lol

Nan A

No teen wolf this week?

Kayla Madrid

I just caught it this time around watching it. That, that’s why Julia tried to kill Lydia. She saw her drawing the tree/Nematon in class. When they were talking about idioms.