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Hey everyone, I have not felt good today or yesterday so no videos from me till the weekend.

You will get Nikita, Scrubs, Person of Interest( will have to do the 2 final episodes live when I can but didn’t want to go the weekend without an episode) 2 Doctor Who’s episodes as well.

Everything else should come out like normal if not pushed back till Sunday.

Sorry again.



Feel better & take care!! 💚


Just hope you're doing okay Steven. Take care.


No worries take care of yourself and feel better


Feel better soon❤️


Just a headache from yesterday that turned into a migraine so looking at a computer screen is not possible without feeling nauseous. My eye has also been bothering for a bit so hopefully resting will stop it and make my headache/migraine go away.


Hope you feel better !


Feel better soon migraines are the worst!! Iv got everything crossed that we get another haunting of hill house before Xmas lol

Daniel R

Feel better man, this gives me time to catch up with all your content!

Siti Dee

No worries, get well soon! Take your time in getting well! Health and your well-being are a priority. Migraines are the worst 😵 and thanks for the update! Always appreciate that!


Don’t apologize! Feel better❤️


Oh dear! Feel better!


Feel better Steven! <3


Thank you for letting us know. I hope you get well and feel better soon!

Ghost Mom

Take care of yourself first <3


Feel better soon!


Hope you’re feeling better. I’ve been sick as well the past couple of days so I feel your pain 😊

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I am so sorry that you're feeling sick. I truly hope you will feel better soon. Please don't worry about being unable to create any reactions for us for today, my friend. Just focus on making yourself feel better. I hope you can feel better very soon. Be well. Sincerely, Heidi


No worries!! Hope you feel better soon. I know how awful it is to not feel well...been dealing with it myself for the past 5 months. Take the time you need!

Sonia Deepak

Hope you feel better Steven!


Take all the time you need and feel better Steven!

Florian M.

Hope you feel better, take all the time you need!