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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I dreamt that Steven announced the OC reactions weren't getting enough views/likes, and he would probably have to stop watching it because of that.. But then I woke up and saw the notification 🥳


Only one more episode until the season turns around and gets so good! Not a spoiler just saying 😂


I remember the kiss and relationship being a huge thing in the early 2000's. It wouldn't have been such a big deal these days which is great.


This part of the season is where I really don't like the OC. Alex and Marissa ... enough said. Sandy being really out of character, Lindsay being more annoying than Marissa (which is hard). I just feel bad for Ryan right now. Seth is in character, I guess but still upset how he blew that meeting. This is the part of the show you have to push through, to get to the better parts, especially the last episodes of season 2. It's not really a spoiler but it is amazing how different are some parts of season 2 compared with another.


Because he leaves Kirsten when he knows how affected is she by Rebecca, I mean she flipped out at the very mention of her. Plus allowing Rebecca to kiss him pff. I mean does not being thoughtful and cheating sounds like Sandy?


Now that you mention it, I feel like they could've easily done the bi plot with Seth. They only needed to swap Alex and DJ's characters. Have DJ work at the club, break up with Marissa and then Seth fall for him.

Alexis Cardarella

I agree with you about Marissa in that they give her WAY too much turmoil and traumatic events in her life to the point where it’s very frustrating and takes away from the enjoyment of the series. But I also do really like the character. I sympathize with her a great deal of the time. And though the writers have been very predictable with her, I did NOT see this thing with Alex coming. And I was very surprised by how much I liked it and liked their chemistry together. Also, it was pretty rare to see a storyline like this go down without someone having an “either/or” crisis, or having to be labeled straight or gay. At this point, bierasure was at its height in tv. It’s part of what I love about the character Alex herself, as well as her and Marissa together.

Alexis Cardarella

This was around (and on the same channel) as Veronica Mars and One Tree Hill.

Shauni Livingstone

I really don't like marissa but for me it makes sense that marissa has had so much cz its all lead into each other, like the family and money trouble lead to the drinking, shoplifting and attempted suicide, her family is a mess and she is completely lost so I dont think it would make sense for other characters who don't have all these background issues going on to have the same problems marissa is having. Shes still young shes lonely and living in a house with people she hates and doesn't seem to have much of a purpose where as seth and summer have the comic and zach and Ryan and good familys.