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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Omg I can not wait to watch this when the kids go to bed. Paranormal stuff scares the crap outta me but this series is AMAZING!!!

Siti Dee

YES! I legit thought you were giving up on this and I sadly already accepted that fact 😂😭 thank you so much for continuing this!

Siti Dee

So Shirley talks in her sleep, she mumbles "nellie is in the red room" in that first scene where she jolts up from her sleep. I agree this is less scary than the first episode. This is probably my least fav episode from the series but I would still give it a 9. The rest episodes are a higher 9 or 10 for me. Ep3 is the one that kept me going and made me binged in one night! Can't wait for your reaction to that! :)


Okay this is weird, I have the exact same opinions and I also binged the rest of the episodes in one night 😂 And then went straight to work without sleeping at all


I'm so excited that you are gonna continue with the Hill House! The first two episodes, in my humble opinion, are the most weak of the show... But the next episodes are gonna be great! As others pointed out in the first episode, as the show progresses, you'll see that it is so much more than a horror or ghost story, it is really a family drama, and it is so well done! I'm hyped!

Ghost Mom

stoked to see you continue. I can't blame you when you say "acting good, writing good, just wish it wasn't horror" As someone who hates horror I cant disagree but its still so worth it to stick it out and obviously we'd love you for it. Bly Manor the anthology second season (new story, diff characters, same actors/writers) is my fav of the two and i'd say is less scary too, so I'm sure we hope you watch both, very worth.


Steven asking for the names of the characters after I posted a list in the comments of the first episode 🙄😂

Jeffrey Mlinek

Theres no way he could read through every comment from every show. Probably missed it.


Oh I know that of course and I don't expect him to see every comment. I meant that as a joke ✌🏼 It might be useful to scroll through the comments of the previous ep, if he has a couple extra minutes before recording.

Stephanie Bedworth

This one is easily my least favorite episode of the season but a great reaction none the less. I'm very excited that you're continuing with this and yes, you must do Bly Manor. On a whole, it's less overtly scary and very different from Hill House but the story is just as good.


I read it last week when I read the comments but yea I should have just brought it back up instead of looking online lol

Ghost Mom

agreed, I actually skip this episode on rewatches, just because episode 3 is so good by comparison, 2 just feels so slow compared to the rest, I get why its there though.


Steven, this is not super important but you might wanna go back to your reaction and rewatch 27:30 - 27:45. Just making sure you noticed it. Also the girl young Luke saw is the same one he drew and mentioned to Steven in the treehouse last episode.


I definitely think you should do Bly Manor as well. You might actually enjoy that one more Steven, since it's lighter on the scares.


Also, yes, McKenna Grace is the little girl from "Gifted" and also played the young Captain Marvel.


steven is the real mvp. he looked so uncomfortable and terrified through this whole reaction and he powered through it for us. thank you lol.

Monica Emeline

omg i LOVE your commentary so much it cracks me up, the only reason I can watch this and laugh at you is because I've seen it, I was NOT having a good time my first time 😂 I hope you continue this, it can be confusing at times with the timeline but it's such an interesting show with lots to uncover.

Alivia Ballard

The first few episodes focuses on each sibling and their pov leading up to nell’s death as well as flashbacks to hill house, it goes in order from oldest (steven) to youngest (nell)

Nikki Sonrisa

don't worry, you'll found out who the mysterious guy on the couch is eventually haha also, the young Hugh's face being creepy is part of Shirley's dream; it didn't actually happen but the rest of it did happen.