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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


john segun doe

yaas Steven every season just gets better. Plus I really love your predictions and every viewer here knows why. Lets get it baby Season 2

john segun doe

lionel is a ruthless businessman. Total badass, and great actor. Him and lex have the best acting moments in the show

Calvin Allen

Don't you love a Clark Kent that runs into a tornado to save someone he loves!

Sonia Deepak

Steven will you be continue doing Smallville reactions past season 1? I hope so. I really enjoyed your reaction to this episode. I think I'd give it a ten because of all the concurrent tensions coming to a head (Lex and his Dad, the reporter and Jonathan's fear of Clark's exposure, Clark and Chloe, Lana and Whitney, and finally the spaceship fragment reactivating the ship). In regards to Jonathan's death in the movies, as far as I am aware Jonathan has never died in the comics by tornado. A LOT of stuff in the recent movies isn't canon and very off-brand of Superman. This was largely a reaction of the studios seeing the success of Nolan's Batman Trilogy and wanting to make other DC movies more gritty and dark. It didn't go with Superman at all but they kept trying. Anyway it's a great cliffhanger so I hope you get to enjoy season 2 as well!


When this episode came out the movie Twister was still fresh in everyone's mind. Every season after this goes up a level with good cliff hangers.


Save Lana or save Jonathan? Wow, that's a really good idea.

Ray D

The Smallville finales and premieres usually always deliver. I love this episode. It feels like the writers realized that they didn’t need Whitney anymore so they shipped him off. They probably originally envisioned him as a good impediment to Clark and Lana but realized that the show worked better without him. At least he got a good send off.

Tammy L. Faulkner

In the 40s story both Kent parents died when Clark was a teenager. In the George Reeves 1950s story daddy Kent dies from a heart attack and that has been the story they stuck too since. Not sure how the comics did it, but I've never been a comics kinda gal. I have loved Superman since I can remember thought. In the Christopher Reeves movie, is probably what your talking about, yes, daddy Kent died in a storm but from the heart attack he suffered during the storm. I hope you. Continue the show... this is where it starts getting good.


Witney was a Senior and is I believe 18. Lana, Clark, Chloe and Pete are Freshman or 9th grade. s1 9th, s2 10th, s3 11th, s4 12th grade. Kinda but not really spoilers because I know their bdays but just trying to clarify because you were wondering about their ages...... Lana's bday is before the school year and Clark's is near the end. So Lana was 15 at the start of season 1 and is still 15 and then would turn 16 right before 10th grade starts. Clark was 14 at the start of season and would have just recently turned 15.


Jonathan dies of a Tornado in Man of Steel and stops Clark from revealing himself. I didn't like that either. In the comics both parents have died in a few different ways. The tornado was unique to MOS as far as I know. The most well known death for Pa Kent is a Heart attack like in the Reeves films from the 70's. Sometimes he is dead in the comics when Clark is a teen and sometimes he is still alive when Clark is Superman.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Oh shit... lol! That's right... I mixed the two movies together for some reason. Proof I shouldn't be trying to think while being half asleep. Only seen Man of Steel once and literally haven't seen any of the Christopher Reeves movies in many yrs. They make me sad. I'm more of the TV shows kinda person these days. I have the storm from MOS and the heart attack from Superman in my head blended together. I even forgot that MOS existed😶I feel really dumb 🤣thanks for reminding me😊


Yeah haha, every time he predicts something I think something like ''my sweet summer child'' you haven't seen nothing yet.


The Smallville days of Superman lore are no stranger to tornadoes (because it's Kansas, of course!), but the "Man of Steel" movie is the only version of the story where Jonathan dies like that. And frankly, this Superman fan HATED that. It was, as you say, hot trash, lol. The most common way he's died in comics and in the Christopher Reeve movie was by a heart attack, which is generally used as way to show that there are some things even Superman can't fight, and some lives he just can't save. In general, "Smallville" and Snyder both diverged a lot from the Superman canon of the comics, both in ways I didn't care for, but if you were to ask me which one at least often demonstrated an affection and attachment to the spirit of that canon, it would be "Smallville." I do hope you continue the show even though as I think I've mentioned before, the stuff I actually enjoy in it doesn't come for a few more seasons yet (like Season 4 onward).

DJ Doena

"Wait, is Whitney a senior?" As of this moment, yes he is. He could not join the Marines if he wasn't 18. Chloe, Lana and Clark are all freshman, as established in the pilot episode. Which makes this officially squicky, because Lana and Whitney have been dating "for a long time" also established in the pilot. I don't think they intended Whitney to be 3 years older from the beginning, this was just a way to write him off the show and they didn't really think through the implications.


Lmao I cringe every time i hear that but in reality there’s no way anyone can buy Clark it any of his friends are 14-15


The implication are fine if he’s three years old but the problem is that everyone looks around the same age and they ALL look older than high school


Twenty Nine people died in Season 1, not counting the unknown body count of the first meteor shower. There were 5 episodes this season where no one was killed. Martha Kent killed Harry Volk. It is unclear how much damage Clark did to James Gibson. Clark saves Lana Lang, and Lex Luthor six times each. He saved Jonathan and Whitney Fordman once, and Martha four times. He saves Pete three times and Chloe Sullivan five times. Clark was only in mortal danger once, and was saved by Jonathan. There were two fatalities among the staff of Smallville High: Walt Arnold and James Kwan. There was only one fatality among the students of Smallville High: Jenna Barnum.

Catherine Thurmond

That's always been kind of a thing until recently. I mean look at Grease, Save by the Bell, Dawson's Creek, 90210, and even Buffy. Do they really look like teens.

DJ Doena

The trope on TVTropes.org is actually called Dawson Casting