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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Jeez Steven you've spoiled us this week (last 7 days I mean). Thank you so much for all these reactions.

Steve Quast

So not to complain, I usually don't, but I've noticed that episode 19 of Angel has been locked for the $5 tier for the past few weeks. Could you unlock it, please?


That was my fault I didnt know that I set that episode to $10. Buffy and Angel always come in at $5. I have fixed the issue. Thanks


Kinda explains why Angel and the team couldn't be there to help Buffy in The Gift, since they were elsewhere. Also I was pleasantly surprised that you guessed that Cordy is the 'judge' at the end. I really didn't get that at the time. Decent episode. Not great. But decent. I'd give it a solid 7,

Ghost Mom

Been excited for this episode to see your reaction in seeing Root. Your comment about cordelia being tortured is a theme. Regardless of your feelings of joss and his title as a male feminist in the 90's early 00's. there's a lot of gross stuff that is subtle in ALL of his works, we're talking low key/deep seeded misogyny. it's hard not to notice it a lot once you're aware of it. in all of his shows.

Ray D

I love this little mini arc in Pylea. It’s something that is so completely different from what this show usually does that I find it to be a very fun little get away. It’s kind of refreshing. I’ve never seen Person of Interest but I love Amy Acker in all the Joss Whedon projects that she was in

Calvin Allen

I hate these episodes. I'll be back to enjoy your reactions next season


I'm in the loving the Pylea arc group.


Which is easily just as likely to be your subjective dislike and bias over that kind of content - more likely in reality although nobody can say for certain. We can all have our own view and interpretation of course but to present what you are suggesting as just an objective fact, when the only objective thing about it is that it is decidedly not objective, is not the best way to foster a discussion or get people to see your point of view.


Finally, you recognised ROOT haha. I cannot believe it took you so long to recognise Amy Acker lol. I thought you will do from the pic last episode but you didn't haha. Funny enough, I have also seen like you, POI before Angel so when she comes up in the show I always reacted wow is Root in Angel haha. Great Reaction. Love it!!

Alexis Cardarella

I watched this before Person of Interest, but yeah, you’re about to see what kind of acting is in Amy Acker’s repertoire. She is so. damn. good.


When they say cow. It's just basically their way of saying slave. It's like how some saw slaves as less then human or beasts or animals. The demons see humans as less than. They also said they were like animals and beasts of burden so it's also like how we use oxen or horses etc to do work but they see humans like that.

Ghost Mom

depending on the tier you're in, I highly recommend watching stevens reactions to person of interest to at least check it out. First season is average and and Steven says as much but he considers it one of his favorite shows now. I don't think he's ever given an episode below a 7, infact 7/8 is typically a 'bad' score for person of interest, that's how good it is. and Amy Acker is amazing in it though she doesn't show up till second season

Ghost Mom

in his defense she's like 20 years younger here almost.

Ray D

Yeah. Cow doesn’t literally me cow. It’s more of an expression for how they see humans in this dimension


Person of Interest is the best show ever. Highly recommended.

Nica Marie

So, no one recognized Lorne's psychic phoneline friend from Welcome to the Hellmouth? Hint: the girl who opens her gym locker to have victim #1 fall on her. Also from the UPN sitcom Girlfriends.

Alexis Cardarella

It’s an 11-15 year difference in age. This was 2001 and she played Root from ‘12-16.

Alexis Cardarella

I can see how he managed to not recognize her, not because of her age. But because she’s dirty, disheveled and without makeup

Hanne-Marie Pedersen

OMG! The face Steven made when the gang went through the portal and the book stayed behind! I laughed so hard!

Daniel R

These episodes are fun :)


Thanks for the reactions. Off topic of the actual show but just wanted to comment when Lorne was being asked about Pylea by Angel and Wesley and said gift horse, mouth, he meant he was gifted with the portal to leave his world so he wasn't asking any questions. It's an old, old saying 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Because you can tell the age of a horse by the quality of their teeth. So if you got a horse for a gift back in the day, it would be rude to specifically look for it's age by way of its teeth, as if you'd have a complaint about getting a gift like a horse if it happened to be old. Just a little random thing.