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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I also didn’t really pick up on any company


michael, bellick, and mahone were in prison at the end of the episode. so yes, the season ends with them all back in prison. and one that's ten times worse than fox river at that. even the guards didn't want to go inside. that's why they said "this is as far as we go" when they dropped michael off there. anywho, the characters back in prison is what you said you wanted...so you should enjoy next season.

Daniel R

Yay! Can't wait for Supernatural finale! You're finishing up a lot of seasons these days :)

Rancel W Heredia

Scientist guys? Lol. That's actually the company wearing lab coats. The gentleman who responds to the other guy when asked that scofield will break out is the same individual who was meeting with kim.

Brad turner

When Sarah said " omg, Linkin is a free man", that's one of the moments I rent from this series the most.


I just feel like you will not enjoy the rest of the show if you don't enjoy the conspiracy angle - which was part of the show from the beginning - if they introduced the conspiracy in like season 2 I would understand you not liking it, but still I cannot understand since it's the biggest part of this show - the reason it's all happening.


Company is a name for an organisation that is holding all the strings in this world from the beginning of the show. The bald guy is at the head of it and they have people everywhere and resources everywhere , a lot of stuff is explained with little hints but you disregarded every little hint from the start and then didnt start liking it cuz you thought it was random ( when it really wasnt ) but its ok i am just trying to write to you so you are atleast somewhat caught up to it. I wont go into full detail but in short they hinted at sona for few episodes and it was revealed now that it was a prison and the Company wanted Michael in there and they want him to escape. It's really not random but since you dont like that part and just ignore the scenes and they are random to you i dont know what else to say. Hopefully you continue to watch it and will enjoy the future season. Next season is obviously about prison break again so maybe you'll like that more and youll pickup more knowledge about the conspiracy side, etc.


I get what you were saying about the show over complicating things but those scientist guys are the company. It will make sense as they explain more but it’s still the same “company”. They aren’t trying to complicate things by adding different parties. These people are still apart of the same organization from the beginning with Lincoln being set-up

Zack Meaney

I do agree with you when it comes to “the company” but I also think that the writers had to come up with something new or the show would get repetitive

Amanda Winner

The head of the company hardly ever speaks because he doesn't want to be recorded (secretly)


The company has been part of the show since the beginning. This guy is so bad at following a plot it's crazy.