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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


kyra bah

I mean technically River has died.

Dani C

'cream crackered' rhymes with 'knackered' which means very tired. It's cockney rhyming slang.

Dani C

He lost companions in the classic series (Adric was one that got killed)

Dennis Orman

Dr Who often has references to the original series (1963 onwards). A small number of companions died over the years. Also Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart of UNIT was a major character for a long time and worked with several of the early Doctors, Kate in this episode is his daughter.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Technically speaking both River and Jack did die... but no, he's mostly referring to classic who companions. This episode is a 6 for me. The only thing I enjoyed was the introduction of Kate. However... the next episode if one of my top 5 from the Amy and Rory episodes. I'm sure a lot of ppl would have a lot to say about that, but whatever. As I've stated in the past, I never really cared for Amy and LOVE Rory, well, the next episode is possibly THE main reason why I don't hate Amy. So, looking forward to your next episode reaction.

Daniel R

Steven: "Wait who died?" *starts with Rose* Oh Steven, Doctor Who has been around way before your starting point

Teeoni Leigh

You need to watch the minisode after next weeks episode called P.S

Jason (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:02:20 I simply adore the scene with The Doctor and Amy on the banks of the Thames. How The Doctor explains how he was running to Amy & Rory before he fades from him is heartbreaking and makes soo much sense. This whole episode feels like a throwback to the RTD era, there's something about it in that respect and the introduction of Kate Leftbridge-Stewart as a nod to the past is handled expertly by the actress playing her. The resolution to the episode leaves a bit of an anti-climax and feels like there was a bigger story that could have been told but again that small scene by the river is in my top 5 scenes with Amy and 11 I think it's beautifully written.
2020-11-24 07:38:54 I simply adore the scene with The Doctor and Amy on the banks of the Thames. How The Doctor explains how he was running to Amy & Rory before he fades from him is heartbreaking and makes soo much sense. This whole episode feels like a throwback to the RTD era, there's something about it in that respect and the introduction of Kate Leftbridge-Stewart as a nod to the past is handled expertly by the actress playing her. The resolution to the episode leaves a bit of an anti-climax and feels like there was a bigger story that could have been told but again that small scene by the river is in my top 5 scenes with Amy and 11 I think it's beautifully written.

I simply adore the scene with The Doctor and Amy on the banks of the Thames. How The Doctor explains how he was running to Amy & Rory before he fades from him is heartbreaking and makes soo much sense. This whole episode feels like a throwback to the RTD era, there's something about it in that respect and the introduction of Kate Leftbridge-Stewart as a nod to the past is handled expertly by the actress playing her. The resolution to the episode leaves a bit of an anti-climax and feels like there was a bigger story that could have been told but again that small scene by the river is in my top 5 scenes with Amy and 11 I think it's beautifully written.


Had great potential. But like quite a few Who scripts from this particular writer, they often seem to fall short for me personally. Having said that there are some good moments in the episode. But evaluating the story as a whole, it is very anticlimactic.