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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


DJ Doena

I just love this episode and to this day I have not figured out when Kate knew. Because when Castle pulled out the bills she was way too surprised to no one's benefit for it to be reasonably faked.

DJ Doena

You ask if she's their boss. The show never really makes this clear but there are some speculations in the fandom that she's actually a Lieutenant while Javier and Ryan are "only" Detectives. At least she's formally the lead detective on the team, because she always assigns the work tasks

Chastity Deatherage

Aww...I think you're too hard on Castle. Yes, maybe he could've called but as much as much as he wanted to see Kate...you know he was dreading going back thinking she was with Demming. Yes he went off to the Hamptons with his ex but that was just some desperate attempt to convince himself that he was ok and could move on. It was clear to everyone that he was interested in Kate (more than interested imo...I think he has fallen hard for Kate at this point) but she rejected him. It took her just a bit too long to admit to herself that she was interested too. So now we have Castle back with his ex, unaware that Kate broke up with Demming for him...and so we continue the dance of will they or won't they ever get their act together! Lol...ah well...onto the next episode! Looking forward to next week already...love watching your reactions to this show!

Nan A

It was for Castle's benefit. Bruh she was smirking the whole time he was figuring it out. She knew a 100%

Nan A

I know we all love Castle for his unique mind but lets not forget Kate Beckett is a detective first grade in her own right before Castle came along. Also in cases usually there is a primary detective and secondary who assist the primary. Kate is primary on most cases we see in the show but there are episodes where Ryan and Espesito are primaries as well.

DJ Doena

OK, but then she was at least surprised to find the actual proof for their theory in the evidence wallet.