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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Janet Daurity

I'm enjoying the season more through your eyes than I did when I first watched it. Also, remember at the first of the season LaGuerta got her promotion by protected deputy chief Matthews who's name was in some Madam's black book. So we know he frequents prostitutes.


DItto. Your enjoyment is giving me a better perspective than I had at first watch although unlike some, I never disliked this season. If I hadn't seen what was coming a few episodes into season 6, I probably would have liked it more.

J Scott Page

I’m loving this season. I can’t say there’s a season I dislike. There are some weaker seasons for sure. But just like coffee, which I love, a weak cup of coffee is still coffee and I’ll take it. And with a show as good as Dexter, even a weaker season is still good. But that’s just my opinion. Mileage may vary.


i like this season a hell of a lot more than seasons 7 and 8.

Daniel R

I'm enjoying this season more than 5, but it's not as good as 1-4. It sucks they killed off Travis' sister so early, it feels like they could have milked that storyline to get a more emotional reaction from the audience like a "race against the clock" scenario or something. Killing her off-screen felt lame, and was more disappointing than it was sad